the hangover

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Tj woke up at 5pm with me straddling his lap asleep, we were both still naked. "Fuckkkkk my head." He grunts has he holds it. He sees me and knows that when something hurts me it hurts, and he knew this was gonna hurt. He carefully picks me up and carries me to the bed. I start waking up and making weird noises because my head was hurting so bad. "Shhh its ok, let's get you in some panties a least." He lies me down and puts a pair on me. "Can I get an ice pack or something?" I say calmly and quietly. "Yeah baby, keep my spot warm." He put on his sweatpants and goes to the desk "my Fiance head hurts, can I get an Advil and a ice pack?" The worker kindly gives him a sandwich baggy with four Advil and an ice pack. "Thank you so much ma'am, can I also get a pizza, I'm sure she's hungry." "Yes sir, would you like that added in your bill or paid now?" The lady asked as she gave him the pizza. "Just add it to my bill." He gave the woman a 20 dollar tip and walked back to our room. When he came in he sat the pizza down on the bed, "here baby she gave me four pills, a ice pack and I bought us piz-" he stopped because he was noticed that i was tearing up. "Aw baby, come here." He sat on the bed and held me close to him while holding the ice pack on my head. "Ik it hurts baby, but we shouldn't have drunk so much." I kept my head on his chest and closed my eyes. It's like I have the flu all over again. "Can I get an Advil?" "Yeah baby here" he gives me one and I take it. "Hows your head?" "I didn't drink much as you so it's not as bad, it just feels like a slight headache." "Well lucky you." He laughed a bit and kisses my head. "But baby, when we fucked I remembered it all, ima get you drunk more often." We both laughed. "I can't wait to go home, after this hangover I'll be worn out." I said with my eyes closed. "Get some rest baby, you need it, I'll pack up everything." I nodded my head, he places a kiss on my forehead and massaged my head until I fell asleep. Tj started packing and I slept the whole time, ten minutes later he was done, he laid beside me, and spooned me. Once I felt his arms wrap tight around me I knew it was him. He made me feel safe when around him, he rubs my stomach with his thumb and kisses the back of my head. "Baby, cuddle with me." I turn facing him, hugged him and cuddled tight still asleep. "Aww hi baby, hi, I love you too". We both  smiled and it was time for us to start driving to the air port, I felt Tjs hands shake me a bit and I wave up. "Hey beautiful, I'll let you sleep on me on the plane ride." I smiled at sat up. We both walked out into the rental car, Tj drove and I was in the passenger seat. Minutes flew by and we were at the air port... (this was probably the best chapter in my opinion, stayed tooned for more)

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