The second I step out into the hall, I realize that I'm still essentially in my pajamas. Officer Penoa is already walking quickly down the hallway, though, and I decide to follow him instead of calling after him and telling him I need to change. Besides, my old uniform won't do any longer. I will be issued a new uniform that shows my new status, as well as new boots and other various items, and I doubt anyone truly cares if I'm in my pajamas anyway. Officer Penoa didn't say anything, and so with a new confident feeling blooming in my chest, I make my way down the hall behind him.

We walk in silence the entire way to the Head Authority's office, my confidence slowly eeking out of me as I think and rethink and overthink about my situation. What if the level 6 rank was a fluke? What if they tell me it was all a mistake, that my score was meant to go to someone else and I'm actually a complete failure.

I find myself standing at the door of the Head Authority's office, biting my lip so hard I taste blood. I shake my head and Officer Penoa, who I had forgotten was standing there, cleared his throat and said, "They don't make mistakes, Aediane."

I smile at him and quickly, wordlessly, I open the door to the office.

The room is warm and lit with the usual white lights the Institute is incredibly fond of. There is a desk with a woman sitting behind it, her hands folded neatly on top of the paperwork that peppered the surface. She smiles warmly at me, and gestures to take a seat on the leather couch (a rare luxury compared to the stiff grey chairs that are usually seen across the Institute). I sit, crossing my legs and sitting up straight, trying to look as strong and mannerable as I can in my grey pants and slippers. The woman continues to stare at me, a wide, feline-like grin spreading across her face. I don't know why, but the smile deeply unsettles me.

This is not a woman I have seen before, but she has clearly been at the Institute for a long time--her black hair is pulled up in the traditional way that signifies her status as a level 6 warrior (a bun with a simple braid wrapped around it), and she has the markings of a level 6 officer, the black tattoos I will soon be given that signifies my new rank among my peers, two black bands circling her left forearm, with a thin red line between them. This tattoo is traditional, and absolutely required. I gulp, realizing that I will most likely be given this tattoo today.

"So, Miss Aediane," she says, her voice sounding like she is speaking through gritted teeth, "I hear you are to be marked as a level 6 officer. Well done. That is a difficult feat, you know. On your first try."

I nod, looking into her eyes. They are a startling shade of orange, light but seeming to glow in the white fluorescents of the office. Her gaze meets mine, and I find it difficult to look away. "Thank you," I say, gulping. "I don't know how I did it, honestly. I'm almost worried they're going to tell me it was all a mistake!" I laugh, shakily, and feel my cheeks flushing. I don't know what it is about this woman, but she deeply unsettles me.

"Well," she says, breaking eye contact and moving in her seat, beginning to shuffle the papers on her desk into a neat pile. "You're just the luckiest thing. Spence will see you now, Miss Aediane. You be polite and courteous, stand up straight, and do as he says. He may not be on the Council, but he is their eyes and ears, you know."

My stomach instantly ties itself into knots, and I find myself nodding. "I understand."

Her grin disappears. "Good. Through that door, Miss Aediane."

I stand, bow, and head in the direction of the door she gestured to. I begin to slide it open, but suddenly, the woman is standing right beside me, her hand over mine as she whispers, "Be careful, Celeste. Everything is not as it seems."

She's gone as quickly as she appeared, sitting at the desk and staring at her nails with mild disinterest. I stare at her, wide eyed, and she meets my gaze, and winks.

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