Fresh Start

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Wolf's POV
I was sitting in an airplane, flying to Paris, France to live with my grandfather Wang Fu, he is the guardian of magical beings called Kwamis and their Miraculous. I have a Kwami myself his name's Longg he's a dragon Kwami, his powers are weather based, Air, Water, and Lightning. His Miraculous was a choker with a red bead in the middle it's pure red but when Longg's sucked in it it turns black with five lines. My name's Wolf Rain; age fourteen; I'm full Chinese I can only speak some only words in Chinese thanks to my grandfather teaching me when he visits I was born in Queens, New York my parents are clothing designers and they haven't really cared for me even when I was born, the maids and butlers in their mansion raised me. Grandfather tells me about the history of the Miraculous and Akumas, when I turned thirteen he gave me Longg telling me that I was ready and one day I would be fighting Akumas in Paris, I loved my grandfather more than my parents, when I had enough of being ignored I packed my bags, called up Grandfather and told him my choice, he respected it and told me I was free to come live with him. So here I am on my way to make a fresh new start. Longg was in my small black leather backpack that had small bat wings on the side of it probably sleeping now, while I was living in Queens I did some crime fighting but I made sure never to be known can't have them rely on me saving the day like Spider-Man or Batman. I knew the history of the Peacock and Moth Miraculous going missing and still missing to this day and they been missing for years to even Grandfather doesn't know where they are. I met all of them but before I left Grandfather told me that two people in Paris had the Cat and Ladybug miraculous now they were my age and were students he couldn't tell me the names as we can never know each other's secret identity but at least I know Tikki and Plagg are in good hands.

The plane touched down on the ground and everyone started getting their things ready, luckily I had my things in a duffel bag between my feet, I didn't need to pack much I would buy more clothes here any way the hard thing is finding a job so I can earn money but with my secret life as a superhero it'll be pretty tough since if an Akuma was let lose and taking over someone I would have to sneak off and transform and get back before they notice me being gone for too long, definitely would get warnings and probably fired quickly. Everyone got up as soon as the flight attendant told everyone they could leave, they got their things at the apartments above the seats and everyone scurrying out. I just wait till there wasn't such a traffic jam in the aisle I was the last one out, made sure to have everything and headed out, I had to be careful with my backpack, didn't want to bump and rattle Longg around in there while I got out of my seat and plane, I never have much in it only my wallet and cellphone and a small power bank in case I needed a charge while out. Once I got in the airport I looked around for my grandfather, I then saw him, with his cane and hunched over, I smiled and went over" Grandfather" I bowed then kneeled down to hug him as he was a short man. He smiled" hello Granddaughter, you're trip good?" I nod" as good as any loud and crowded airplane can get" I laughed, he chuckles" Longg here?" I turn my back to him, showing my backpack, he nods understanding that Longg was in there sleeping. We headed out and walked to the store he owned and lived in. It was a nice sunny day, I was in a tank top and jean shorts, I looked around a bit" wow, it's pretty busy here to but at least not crowded and no traffic jams" Grandfather nods" yes, it's why I love Paris, I'm glad you decided to come live with me, I did worry about you when I visited it, my son and daughter in law have changed awful not giving you any attention, leaving the maids and butlers to raise you, how disrespectful and dishonoring," he was an old fashion kind of guy and honor is big in Chinese culture. When we got to the store I looked around" same as I seen it" I would visit when I was on Spring and Summer break throughout my childhood so I been in this store many times, Grandfather smiled" yes but I still get customers to look and ask about Chinese history," I set my bags down, unzips my backpack all the way" Longg, we're here" Longg woke up and yawns and flew out of the pack, he levitates in front of my grandfather and bows" Master Fu" he had a gentleman's voice and personality so he always calls me Mistress. Grandfather smiled" Longg, it's been some time, how have you been?" Longg smiled" I been well thank you, Mistress and I were thrilled to hear we were coming here living with you Master Fu" a green turtle Kwami came flying to me" Wolf!!" He hugs my cheek, I laughed happily" Hey Wayzz have you been watching my grandfather for me?" Wayzz is the turtle Kwami, when Grandfather was younger he was a crime fighter also and is the turtle Miraculous holder, thanks to Grandfather I am always able to talk to the Kwamis even when I'm not wearing the Miraculouses. He showed me where I could stay, it was a nice spacy room, a futon was folded neatly on the middle of the room with a pillow on top, his home and shop was Chinese based so everything was made of paper and wood pillars, sliding doors also. I set my things down and stretched, it was nice not being cramped up in an airplane, I would have to get some furniture in here though as it was pretty dull for my taste, I took out a small notebook and started taking notes on what I want furniture wise for now then later I'll get decorations.

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