Derby Hats and Pigeons

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It was a nice day in school everyone was talking when Miss Bustier called for their attentions, everyone went quiet as the teacher spoke" today we are going to do a project; you are all going to make derby hats of your own design and in ten hours it will be presented to the famous designer Gabriel Agreste and Adrien will be wearing the winner's hat in the next photoshoot," the bell rung and Wolf went to find Alya and Marinette, she heard Marinette complaining about not having derby hats designs in her sketchbook" I have nothing! I've sketched top hats, caps, even two horned hats! Need a bouray? I'm your girl, need a sombrero? No problemo! But a derby hat" she whines. Wolf leans on the wall, her left foot pressed against it, her left hand on her right bicep, phone in her right hand as she looked up what a derby hat was" what a dull looking hat to design but I'm sure you can do something Marinette, you just need to believe in yourself. I'm just going to do for fun, I'll have to make one and get the materials I need" Alya was looking at Marinette's sketchbook when Adrien came over" wow Alya! That's some great designs" Marinette freaked out and tumbled off the side of the bench. Wolf hums and looks back at her phone to think of a good theme. Alya smiled" these sick designs aren't mine, they're Marinette's" she pointed to the sky girl, she waved Adrien smiled" well I'm sure you'll be able to come up with something. You going to design something Wolf?" Wolf nods" yeah but it won't be easy, haven't made clothes since I was little," Adrien smiled" well good luck to you two, can't wait to see the hats, probably will wear one of your hats to Father's photoshoot" he walked off waving. Marinette took her sketchbook from Alya" i'm going to my secret garden of inspiration to sketch my derby hat, later" she left. Marinette went to the garden near the Eiffel Tower, she started sketching when she saw a man feeding the pigeons that sparked an idea so she started sketching, she showed Tikki that was pecking out of her satchel" perfect Marinette!" the man was smiling and throwing food at the pigeons" hello Elenor how are you today?" he said to a pigeon that landed on his arm, had the bird spin on his arm then he gave it a treat but then they scattered because of officer Roger" scram! Beat it you rats with wings!" He glared at the man" how many times do I have to tell you Mr. Ramier stop feeding the birds! It's forbidden" he snatches the food away from him, Mr. Ramier frowns" but who's going to feed my pigeons?: Roger rolls his eyes" they can feed themselves! Feeding them junk food makes them poop and poop makes a mess of the parks! You are banned from this park like the rest of them now get!" Mr. Ramier walked away heartbroken. Tikki watched" what a strange person.. he was like a human bird just needed a feather jacket" Marinette thinks" feather jacket.. Tikki you're a genius!" She started sketching.

Hawkmoth saw what had happened" injustice, cruel" he smirks, taking a butterfly, closing his hand and making it turn into an Akuma" fly and evilize him my akuma" the akuma flew straight to the man and into his birdcalling whistle, Hawkmoth talked to him through his mind" I am Hawkmoth Mr. Pigeon, that police officer and park keepers shouldn't stop you from taking care of your friends. What would paris be without Pigeons? The pigeons will be lost without you" the akuma gave him the power and he ran off making pigeon sounds and flapping off to get his revenge.

Chloe and Sabrina were stalking Marinette Chloe had her partner in crime to sneak behind Marinette and take a picture of the sketch, when Marinette held it out to examine it Sabrina took that chance and took a picture of it and hurried back to Chloe, she laughed and smirks" I'll be the one to win this. Just need to get Daddy to pay someone to make it."

Marinette was back home finishing her derby hat and starts searching for something and groans" I forgot to get a pigeon feather for the hat, it needs to have one," she grabbed her things and ran back to the garden to get a feather, she grabbed a feather and said hello to Roger and left but after she did a group of pigeons came flying at him, made a ball of pigeons and carried him off. Marinette was on the bus waiting for it to move but it didn't budge" come on!" the bus driver looks at the mirror" sorry folks we have a situation here" Marinette walked up the front to see what was wrong and saw a lot of pigeons, they were everywhere it was like a pigeon apocalypse, she got out and looked around" this is weird" she went to a tv store and saw the news" pigeons have taken over Paris! It seems this man called Mr. Pigeon has an announcement" the screen switches to a guy in a pigeon suit" Roo, Roo deary Parisians! Paris now belongs to the pigeons!" he flaps his arms and makes more noise. Marinette ran to an ally and Tikki came out" Tikki, Spots on!" after she transformed she ran on the buildings and stopped" what the" pigeons were in formation of planes" that's weirder than weird" then a male voice was heard" birds of a feather flock together" she turned and saw Cat Noir laying on his side his hand propping his head up he then sneezed rolling down, he stood" sorry allergic to feathers" Lady Dragon landed beside Ladybug" that's helpful" she said sarcastically. Cat Noir grunts" tell me about it!" He was about to sneeze again but he was able to stop it, he watches the birds fly away" the park keepers have been disappearing without a trace" Lady Dragon puts her hand on her hip" wonder why he's taking them. How can we find him?" Cat Noir smirks" I don't know where to find him but I know where he can find us" they went to the park and Cat became bait, he had a police hat on whistling till he got bored and started dancing

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