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It was a fine morning, Wolf was getting ready for school hoping it will be an Akuma free day not that she minded helping Cat Noir and LadyBug and being Lady Dragon she just wanted to have time to explore Paris. Wolf dressed in a plain white t shirt and jean shorts that were to her knees, she'll have to buy more clothes later after school. She grabbed her bat backpack and Longg flew in, she grabs her messenger bag and went in the kitchen to have breakfast, she saw her Grandfather at the table sipping tea, she sat down" morning Grandfather," Wang Fu smiled" morning child, ready to have a good day today?" Wolf nods" I am hoping it will be an Akuma free day so I can explore Paris and also do some clothes shopping" Wang Fu nods" I'll lend you some money until you find a job," Wolf nods" thank you Grandfather," the two ate and Wolf kissed his head and left. When she arrived at  Collège Françoise Dupont she saw the four students that she saw yesterday hanging out, she walked over and smiled" hey guys" Marinette smiled" Wolf! Glad you didn't run off after Chloé's insults" Wolf laughed" I don't get scared off that easily, the queen bee can do whatever she wants but I won't back down. She may be the Mayor's daughter but she can't rule my life," Alya grins" atta girl! That's what I love to hear, wish the students here knew how to but they are so scared that she would ruin their family's lives if they stood up to Chloé," Wolf scuffs" well its good to not add fuel to her fire but some point there is times that she needs to be kicked off her high horse" Nino gave her a thumbs up" well said Dudette" the bell rung and everyone walked in to the classroom. It was a boring lesson Wolf was doodling on her paper while pretending to be taking notes, It was mostly of Cat Noir not sure why as she just met him once and only spent a few minutes with him.

As the lunch bell rung she packed her things, hurried towards the gang, Alya said excitedly" Paris has a new third hero! She has a dragon costume on and three elements on her chest, I think those are her powers!" Nino smiled" that sounds amazing! Did you get her name" Alya nods" Lady Dragon, she helped Cat Noir and Ladybug with the akumatized victim" Adrien smiled" that sounds cool, I hope to see her in action and see what her powers are," they all headed to the cafeteria, Wolf packed a bento as she didn't care for school food. Alya looked at everyone" what's everyone going to do after school?" Wolf ate one of her wiener octopus she made herself" I am planning on seeing Paris since I got here yesterday but couldn't really explore cause of the akuma villain and also shopping; need some new clothes," Alya smiled" Marinette and I will come with you! We'll give you a tour of our favorite places here and help you shop" Wolf smiled" that would be fun," Nino groans" but I hate shopping..." Alya glares lightly" then don't come you whiner!" "but I want to hang out with Wolf also and get to know her, I'm sure my boy here does to" Nino said pulling Adrien close to him. Wolf giggles" alright we all can go and I won't take long with shopping just need more t shirts and pants, I'm not like those shop till we drop kind of shopper no offense if you two are," she looked at the two girls. Alya smiled" its alright, not all girls are the same and that's alright with me, so you coming you guys?" Adrien rubs the back of his neck" sadly not me as I have a photoshoot after school then piano lessons after until dinner" Wolf whines" what I wanted all my friends to be there!" Adrien smiled" sorry Wolf, it's what my father does to keep me out of trouble and keep me successful, it's a pain I admit that, maybe some other time when I know I am free," Nino sighs" his father is so uptight and a killjoy, never let him do any thing, not being a kid," Wolf smiled" it's just how people who have businesses are, I know it because my parents are the same way but they don't care if I am alive, they were more focus on their clothing business than me so that's why I moved here to live with my grandfather as he cares about me. I was pretty much raised by the butlers and maids and my grandfather when he came to Queens for a visit" Marinette frowns" wow that's very cruel, can't believe they would ignore their daughter like that" Wolf shrugs" I got over it and when I had the opportunity to come here I took it to start a new life and make friends which I did" Alya smiled" we'll be by your side and help you whenever you need it Girl" the others nod.

After school everyone said later to Adrien when he was picked up by a limo, Wolf was still unhappy that Adrien wasn't able to come as she wanted to know all her friends but she would have time later to get to know him, at lunch they exchanged their numbers. The four headed to the mall first, Wolf headed to stores that interested her and got a few of the Agreste brand t-shirts and some with graphic designs on them, humming a song as she tried them on and made sure they were comfy, she liked baggy clothes, so she gets a size or two bigger than what she normally wears. She got jeans and jean shorts that were above her knees or pass them. She also got sweatpants to lounge around in at home and when she felt like not getting too dressed up to go outside, she nods at her selection and paid for them.

After that she followed her new friends wherever they wanted to go since she wanted them to have fun on this shopping trip, Wolf giggles whenever she sees Marinette making goggly eyes at a posterboard of Adrien or even a cut out of him. Alya rolls her eyes and smiled" that girl I swear, she's so into him she knows his schedule of his practices" Wolf smiled" wow dedication there" "and creepy but don't let her know that" she whispered. They looked at Marinette as she came over" well that's all my shopping" Alya nodded to, they got some clothes designer supplies and a new phone case and phone charm, Wolf smiled and glad she had friends this fast.

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