Stormy Weather

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It was a gorgeous day out, Wolf was heading to the park just to enjoy the sun, she was wearing a black crop top and jean shorts, her hair in its usual high ponytail and her purple side bangs hanging freely. Longg was in her usual bat backpack asleep. Wolf then noticed Adrien at the fountain seemed like he was doing a photo shoot, she didn't want to disturb him so she went to the other side of the park where the merry go round that Paris had, she really couldn't believe Paris had a working Merry Go Round in the park when she first saw it. She then spotted Marinette and Alya with a little girl, she went over" hey guys" Marinette smiled" hey Wolf! Enjoying this great day?" Wolf nods" yeah, a day to relax before tomorrow" it was Sunday so they had school tomorrow but she didn't mind the school but she did mind a certain mayor's daughter ever since she came here and entered school. Chloé would try any thing to ruin her day and she succeeds a few time but Wolf swallows her words and stays silent not wanting to add fuel to the fire as some days she just knows Chloé isn't worth a lashing. The little girl looked at her" you have a name of an animal but you have no animal tail or ears" Marinette freaked" no! No Manon! That's very rude!" Wolf smiled" it's fine Marinette, I know it's strange but I adore the animal so I changed my name to Wolf, it makes me feel strong and powerful" she smiled. Manon hums" ok, Marinette I want ice cream!" Marinette smiled" in awhile I need to do something, Alya nods" yes you do, I had to bring Marinette over because of Adrien modeling here, maybe they can have her be in the photos" Wolf smiled" that'll be so cool and you'd be a lucky girl Marinette" Marinette laughed nervously" well.. I don't know about that! I mean I don't want to ruin his great pictures and looks.. I mean his pictures! Not that his looks would get ruined by me! He always has good looks" she freaked out what she said" I mean-" Gray clouds started foaming and wind picked up. Wolf frowns" what the?!" Just then a girl with two pigtails with purple highlights on them came flying to the park and she pointed her parasol at the four and shoots blue lightening at them, Alya grabbed Manon and they landed in the Merry Go Round but it was suddenly encased in ice, Marinette and Wolf ran to it and starts beating on it but it was too thick, Wolf saw icicles growing big and longer inside" Marinette we need to get Lady Dragon and Ladybug to help them quickly or they will be Swiss cheese!" She nods and ran away, Wolf looked at the two" don't worry we'll get help!" She ran off also to transform.

Adrien saw what was going on and he ran to his bag, opening it but didn't see his black cat Kwami" Plagg?! Plagg!" He then heard a muffled voice" I'm not here I'm sleeping" Adrien puts his hands on his hips and glares, he took out a piece of Camembert cheese knowing that would get Plagg out from his hiding spot, one of the black luggage's top opened and Plagg flew out happily and grabbed the cheese, Adrien smirked, Plagg looked away" for your information I can smell Camembert in my sleep, it's only one of my many talents" Adrien let's go of the piece" right but there's not time to talk cheese! Plagg Claws Out!" Plagg was about to eat his delicious cheese when he was sucked into Adrien's ring and Adrien did his transformation (A/N: which is pretty hot by the way (////)

The akumatized villian walked out of the park when she heard a male's voice" Hey Ice Queen?" She turns and glares, there sitting on the bars of the entrance was the Black Cat; Cat Noir in his black skin tight suit (A/N: *drools*), black mask, big glowing emerald eyes, and his belt tail swaying behind him" what's with the terrorizing? Why don't you pick on someone your own temperature" he smirks. The villain glares and gets pretty mad" my name isn't Ice Queen! It's Stormy Weather!" Cat Noir slid down the bar, his right foot crossing his left one, twirling his tail" listen I'm feline more generous than usual today, so cool it down and we'll call it quits ok?"

 The villain glares and gets pretty mad" my name isn't Ice Queen! It's Stormy Weather!" Cat Noir slid down the bar, his right foot crossing his left one, twirling his tail" listen I'm feline more generous than usual today, so cool it down and we'l...

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