The First Hello's

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Jin strolled around the halls of Hogwarts, thinking. He was in his last year at Hogwarts, but hadn't fully accepted it yet. He didn't know what he wanted to do after school. Not at all. He wanted to do something he loved, something he found exciting, but couldn't find anything perfect for him. The tall man sighed and sat down, looking at the moving paintings in front of him. After a good 10 minutes of staring at two chubby ladies eating, he felt a presence beside him. 

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Namjoon's voice came out louder than Seokjin had expected, which made him jump a little bit. Namjoon slowly sat down next to the other. "Just thinking." A silence was heard after the eldest statement, where both of them were now staring at the painting of the two ladies. After quite some time Namjoon decided to stand back up. "I'm going back to the library, want to come with me?" Jin looked up at the other, who was holding his hand out for him to take. He shrugged as he slowly lifted his shoulders. "Yeah sure, i don't have anything else to do anyways." Hearing his response made the blonde smile. "Thanks." Jin took the others hand and pulled himself up. "And oh, before i forget. Yoongi is there too." The black haired raised his eyebrows. "Yoongi? The Slytherin?" Namjoon chuckled. "Yeah, the Slytherin" 

Jungkooks head hung low as he stared at the papers in front of him. "Do we really have to finish this today?" Your friends rolled their eyes in response. "Yes Jungkook, yes." Hoseok said as he threw him a dirty look. "Now shut up please? You've been complaining for the past 10 minutes." Jungkook just sighed in response, getting back to work. "Or we can take a small break." Taehyung spoke up. "Taehyung, that's the smartest thing you've said all day." You threw your book at your friend. "Shut up meanie." The Hufflepuff just laughed it off. "Look, Namjoon is back." Hoseok whispered as he looked in the direction of the two friends. "Who's that kid besides him?" 

"Kim Seokjin, he's really nice. Let's say hi, it's been ages since i last spoke to him." You groaned in response. You always hated socializing. Yeah sure, a lot of people liked you, and found you easy-going, but you weren't. Not at all. You were just good at hiding it. "Come on y/n. It can't be that bad." You just lifted your shoulders as you stood up. "Okay then." Taehyung smiled as he jumped off his chair. "Yay, let's go!" Hoseok laughed at the boys excitement before standing up and dragging you and Jungkook along with him. "Come on lazy asses, make your new friend happy." 

Taehyung had already reached the two and was now walking beside them to their table.  "Hey Jin." For the second time this day Jin got startled by his friends. "Oh, hi Taehyung."  You, Jungkook and Hoseok joined the other three, while Taehyung introduced you. "This are y/n, Jungkook and Hoseok, I met them in the train yesterday, they're really really nice." The six of you had now reached their table, where Yoongi was staring up at all six of you. Namjoon lifted his shoulders as he made eye contact with the smaller. "Let's all study together?" The Slytherin slightly coughed, not used to this many people around him, in that very moment he missed Jimin next to him. "Right." You went to get your books before installing yourself between the others, continuing your work in silence. 

Jimin sighed heavily as he stared at professor Flitwick, who was teaching History of Magic

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Jimin sighed heavily as he stared at professor Flitwick, who was teaching History of Magic. Oh did Jimin regret going to this class. He could be making fun of a few first years together with Yoongi instead of listening to this bullshit. The blonde looked at the clock that hung right above the door. 3 more minutes and he'd finally be able to leave. 

"Okay class, i want you to make a 20cm long paper about today's class due to tomorrow. You're dismissed." Jimin groaned before standing up and rushing out of the class. Fucking finally. He thought. He rushed to the library, because Yoongi told him he'd be waiting there. As he arrived in the room he couldn't help but be surprised. His best friend was surrounded by an amount of 6 people. Each from different houses. How did the smaller get himself in that situation? Jimin slowly approached the table, as he cleared his throat. All six of their heads swung up to him. Yoongi groaned and stood up. "Finally, I thought this torture was never going to end." You scoffed at the Slytherins words. "You do realize that you made the atmosphere so droopy right? Don't blame us for that." Yoongi scoffed in response before throwing his middle finger at you. You sneakily smiled in response, showing you didn't care. Jimin raised his eyebrows once again at your attidude. 'Feisty' he muttered under his breath, looking at Yoongi walking away from the scene. 

Jimin looked back at the table and took the stuff his friend had let behind. But before he left he made eye contact with you, throwing you a sly wink. Your cheeks turned bright red and you quickly looked away. 

Damn it y/n. 

Jimin smirked at you one last time before turning around and following his friend outside.

'Cute. Feisty, but cute.'

And with that he closed the door behind him.


ok. this chapter is thrash. excuse me. i'm sorry. my apologies. next one will be better i promise
oipzfedgswjq thanks for reading though, love u 

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