Lovers - Act One

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Lovers - Act One

I rolled my eyes as I heard my mother talk about this family that we have hated for years

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I rolled my eyes as I heard my mother talk about this family that we have hated for years.
"They're such an awful family." I heard my mother fuss about them as we all take a seat on the dining room.
"Mom, please." I chided as I moved a chair to settle my baby brother on it. "I don't think they're all that bad."
"Oh, you can't be sure. You haven't even met them." Jessi sat down beside me after I helped Watson into his chair.
"Where's your sister?" Our father asked as he walked inside the room and saw one of us missing.
"I think she's in her room." Mother said as she brought in some of the dishes. "[Y/N], will you call your sister?"
"Oh, sure." I stood from my seat, I could see that Jessi gave me a sympathetic look before I left.
"Don't hog the butter chicken, Jessi." I added with my back turned as I went out the room to find my sister.
I stopped in front of her bedroom door and knocked before I opened the door.
"Mary?" I asked as I peered in the room. I saw my sister sitting on her bed, her back facing me but there was something wrong. She was sniffing and she wipes her eyes before she turned around to meet my gaze.
"Hi, [Y/N]." Mary gave me a weak smile but I can see her eyes that were red from crying.
"Hey, what happened?" I walked inside and sat down next to her.
"It's nothing." She tried to brush my question away.
"Okay," I nodded and I looked around. That's when I noticed the broken violin.
"What happened to that?" I asked and I saw my sister's face paled.
"It's nothing, just an accident." She lied.
"Mary," I placed a hand on her hand. "You can tell me."
I saw her bite her lip.
"A couple of boys got a hold of it and they broke it." Mary admitted.
"Was it Pacino and his gang?" I asked, trying hard to hold in my anger as I saw her nod.
I took a deep breath and sighed.
"Here, why don't you go and wash up?" I suggested. "Mom won't be happy if she sees your eyes that red."
Mary nodded and I waited for her before we went down to eat dinner.

"Mary nodded and I waited for her before we went down to eat dinner

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"Hey, dad?" I asked as I went inside his office.
"Yes?" He looked up from his paperwork.
"How much did Mary's violin cost?" I asked.
My father told me the cost and asked me why I was asking.
"Nothing much," I shrugged. "Mary needs a new one."
"Why would she need a new one?" My father asked.
"Nothing much, Pacino and his gang just wrecked hers." I bit my lip as I said those words calmly.
I saw my father took a deep breath.
"You're going to buy her a new one?" He asked.
"I don't think she'll come with me, she's too sad." I explained. "A bit scared too."
"Maybe it'll be best to take Jessi with you." My father said.
"Oh, no. It's okay." I said. "I'm going to meet up with someone and we'll be hanging out for a while."
"[Y/N], it's late." My father reasoned. "At least take a responsible man or you could buy it tomorrow."
"Okay, I'll buy it tomorrow." I sighed before I said good night.

"Why are we here again?" Al asked me as he followed me into the music shop

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"Why are we here again?" Al asked me as he followed me into the music shop.
"Some guys broke my little sister's violin yesterday." I answered as I examined some of the violins in display.
"Oh, sorry." Al said.
"Oh, don't be. It's not your fault." I said as I picked a violin model and carried it to the counter to buy it.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" Al asked as he followed me to the counter.
"Come on," I rolled my eyes. "you being here is enough."
"Cheesy." I saw him smirk at me.
"Well, I like cheese." I gave him a big smile as I took the violin off the counter after I payed for it.
"Also, I need to get back. I have piano lessons." I said to him as we went out the establishment.
"You still have 20 minutes, you know." Al reminded.
"I'm still gonna walk." I said as I continued walking.
"I could drive you, you know that, right?" Al moved to stand in front of me that stopped me from walking.
"Yep, I know." I said.
"Then what's with the hurry?" Al asked.
"Al, you know I don't like being late." I stared hard at him. "Besides, what do you expect us to do for 20 minutes?"
I could see him give me a suggestive smile and I gave a frustrated sigh.
"No." I shook my head.
"I didn't even say anything." Al tried to act innocent.
"It's just been 3 years." I shook my head. "Nope."
I started to slowly back away before I broke into a run.
"Hey! Get back here!" I heard Al call to me as he ran after me.
(Author-chan: NAGHAHABULAN SA DAMUHAN 😂😅😂✌️)
"Catch me if you can!" I teased him in a sing song voice as he chased me.
But, then again, men are fast and strong so I got caught in the end.
He caught me from behind, locking me in a hug.
"Gotcha!" Al said triumphantly as I squealed in surprise.
"Don't you think you can get away that easy, [Y/N]." He whispered in my ear and he placed a kiss on my cheek.
"Al! We're in public!" I blushed from the kiss and turned to pout at him.
He only chuckled at me.
"No one seems to mind." Al looked around before he gazed into my eyes again. "Besides, it wasn't the lips. You're so cautious about kissing you on the lips in public."
"Because," I wriggled out of his hold, careful not to damage the violin. "I don't want people to be uncomfortable."
"Sorry." Al puts his hands in his pockets.
I placed a hand on his cheek.
"I'll make up to you." I said with a smile and he smiled back.
"I'm going to piano class now." I said as we walked to the exit.
"I'll drive you, come on." He said and he took my hand as he led me to his car.

" He said and he took my hand as he led me to his car

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