Lovers - Act Three

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Lovers - Act Three

Jessi went out of the car and walked inside the house

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Jessi went out of the car and walked inside the house.
"Jessi , where have you been?" Mary went over to hug him.
"Just needed to post something." Jessi said to his little sister. "How's the wedding? How's [Y/N]?"
"She's well, she's having fun." Mary giggled. "Al's a nice guy. He's really funny."
"That's nice." Jessi smiled and they broke the hug. "What are you doing here, by the way?"
"Well, I was looking around. [Y/N] was right, this place is so cool." Mary said. "Then I found you here!"
Jessi smiled at his sister and laughed a bit.
"Come on, let's go back to the wedding." Jessi said and they walked back into the garden where the wedding is being held.

" Jessi said and they walked back into the garden where the wedding is being held

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The door opened and the newly wed couple stumbled inside. Al was carrying [Y/N] and they both erupted in laughter.
"Al, I told you that I weigh a ton. The weight is added with this wedding dress." [Y/N] whined. "Al, spare yourself the pain and put me down!"
"Come on, it's only a few steps away!" Al chuckled before he laid her on the bed.
"Al!" [Y/N] laughed and Al slowly moved towards her.
"What?" Al smiled down at me and she giggled at him.
"You're excited for this, aren't you?" [Y/N] asked with a smile.
"Well, it's a highlight." He said before he kissed her sweetly on the lips.
"Treat me nicely, Mr. Pacino." [Y/N] whispered between kisses.

" [Y/N] whispered between kisses

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"Alfredo!" [Y/N] called.
Jessi flinched and he glanced at Al.
"You're in trouble?" Jessi asked Al.
"Excuse me for a moment." Al said to Jessi before he went to find his wife.
"What? What is it?" Al asked as he made his way into the kitchen.
"[Y/N], what is it?" He asked and he saw Mary ran to him.
"She's in pain." Mary said quickly. "Water. Broke."
Al suddenly broke into a run and Mary quickly followed him.
It took him one look into the kitchen and he rushed to help his wife.
"Mary, can you tell Jessi about this and here." Al tossed to her his car keys. "That's the key to my car. There's a bag ready in our room cabinet."
Mary nodded and ran off.
"Al," [Y/N] moaned in pain. "It hurts."
"I know, I know." Al said as he lifted her up from the ground and carried her outside to get her in the car. "It'll all be over soon."
Jessi helped open the door for them.
"I got it!" Mary ran out the house and she slid in the car next to [Y/N].
"Okay, Jessi scoot over. I'll drive." Al said.
"What do you mean that you'll drive?" Jessi asked. "Are you even fit to drive?"
"Why shouldn't I drive?" Al asked. "It's my car."
"Alfredo! Jessi! Just stop it!" Mary yelled and everyone looked at her in shock because she doesn't yell that much. "Al, your wife needs you so you have to stay by her side so come in here!"
Al nodded and slid inside next to [Y/N] as he tried to calm her down.
"Jessi, drive." Mary glared at Jessi and he obeyed promptly.

" Mary glared at Jessi and he obeyed promptly

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"We heard the news." Mr. [L/N] said to Mary as he reached her. Behind him were his wife along with Mr. And Mrs. Pacino.
"How is she?" Mrs. Pacino asked.
"She's getting there." Mary said with a small smile.
"Where's Alfredo?" Mr. [L/N] asked.
"He's with Jessi." Mary said. "I guess they went out for some air."
"He must be nervous." Mrs. [L/N] said. "Oh, Charlie, go and talk with him. Jessi can't do much, he haven't have enough experience. He doesn't even have a girlfriend."
"Ouch, burn." Mary covered her mouth to hide her giggle.
"I'll go talk to him. You coming?" Mr. [L/N] asked Mr. Pacino and when he nodded, they both went to look for their sons.
"Mom," Mary was wide-eyed when she noticed something. "Who's with Watson?"
"Oh, don't worry. He's with a maid. He's safe." Mrs. [L/N] said and Mary nodded.
They all waited in anticipation for the birth of a new child.

They all waited in anticipation for the birth of a new child

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Al rocked the new baby girl in his arms. He hummed her a tune as he gently swayed her back and forth.
"Al, don't you think we should put the crib in our room?" [Y/N] walked in the baby's room where Al was in and the sight of her husband rocking their daughter to sleep was what met her.
"Oh, look at you." She smiled and she went over. "Is she asleep?"
"She seems like it." Al said. "You were saying a while ago?"
"I was asking if we should move the crib to our room so we can monitor Sam more." [Y/N] repeated.
"I don't see anything wrong with that." Al shrugged. "Saves the time of walking here in the middle of the night."
"Okay, I guess I'll go and push it to our room." [Y/N] went over to the crib and started to push the small crib out of the room.
"Wait, hold on." Al stopped her. "Here, take Sam."
He gently handed her over to his wife.
"You know you shouldn't do things like this." Al said as he pushed the crib into their room, [Y/N] following him as he moved it.
"There, how's that?" He asked.
"Nice, thanks." [Y/N[ said with a smile and she placed Sam in the crib, careful not to wake her up.
They both looked down at their sleeping daughter.
"She's pretty." [Y/N] cooed.
"Not as pretty as you." Al teased and [Y/N] quietly giggled.
"If you're doing this for another round, I'm out." [Y/N] playfully rolled her eyes and turned to climb into their bed.
"I didn't even say anything." Al lightly chuckled as he followed her.
"Al, your eyes can kinda betray you." She said as she snuggled into the covers.
He laid down next to her and raised an eyebrow.
"When I look into your eyes, it seems like you're undressing me." [Y/N] hid half of her face using the blanket that covered them as she giggled.
"I don't see anything wrong with that." Al gave me a smile.
"Oh, please." [Y/N] rolled her eyes. "At least give me time to recover."
"I didn't say anything about doing it now." He laughed. "Why are you thinking like this?"
[Y/N] pouted.
"Hmmmmm. . . I'm just going to shut up." She decided and turned to avoid his gaze. "Good night."
"[Y/N], I'm only kidding." Al snuggled close to her. "Don't give me the cold shoulder."
"I'm not giving you the cold shoulder." She giggled.
"Then give me a kiss." He whispered in her ear.
"Cheeky." [Y/N] turned to face him with a smile as she leaned closer to his face. "You're wearing that white sando thing."
"You like this thing." He smirked and gave her a kiss.
They snuggled close to each other and slept in the comfort of their presence. All was peaceful.

Well, until Sam woke them up in the middle of the night. But still, they slept in peace for the rest of the night.

 But still, they slept in peace for the rest of the night

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The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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