Begin again.

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I couldn't breathe properly in this room, it was a strange atmosphere. It was depressing to say the least. The walls were a light baby pink, the floor was laminate with a white fluffy rug on top, my crib was pure white, as were the small dresser and wardrobe, as well as the main light there was fairy lights everywhere, the crib bedding was also light pink, there were baby toys ontop of the dresser as well as baby books on the small white shelf and in the crib was a lone red blanket and a duck teddy that looked more like a platypus. I looked so untouched, and that's what gave the room the depressing feeling. It was unused. There was a rocking chair in the corner of the room that had baby clothes on it, that was difficult to look at. Something in me light up, a feeling I thought I'd never really feel, but it was hate, and the hate wasn't directed as Dianna or Eddie, it was directed at Craig and Sonia. They abducted me. 

I wondered over to the window, which also had a seat underneath it. I turned to face the crib and imagined it all playing out. 

My eyes began to sting with tears, which I frustratingly brushed away. It wasn't Dianna's fault, and I can only imagine how much she blamed herself. 

"You have a thing for windows." Dianna's voice entered the room, I jumped a little and looked at her, her face was tear stained, her eye's were red as she messed with her own fingers. 

"I guess..." Was all I mumbled out. 

Dianna took a few steps inside the room. "I haven't been in here for nearly 15 years...Madison had her own nursery, I couldn't place her in here, I was so afraid they'd come back and take her too." Dianna began messing with the baby toys on the dresser as she spoke. "I sat in that chair for hours on end, hoping that you'd just magically appear again in you crib.But you never did..." Dianna turned to face me and offered me a small smile. 

"Sorry I've been such a bitch." 

"It's okay. This is new for both of us." Dianna sighed as she walked over and sat next to me on the window seat. 

"I..." I tried. 

"It's okay, you can tell me." Dianna encouraged. 

"I-I just wished that it hadn't happened this way. I wish that I'd never been taken, but also that me being brought back would of been different." I admitted. 

"I was taken out of school by policemen, and then told in an interrogation room that the people I thought were my parents were once on the most wanted list in America and had in fact stolen me. After that I was made to stay in a really bad foster home for a week without anyone telling me anything else. I just wished I'd gotten to speak to you before I came out here, I wish I had found out exactly who you guys were whilst I was in the foster home, so at least then I could've prepared myself." I blurted before Dianna could say anything, she nodded. 

"I'm sorry it happened this way too." She whispered. I looked at her and then around the room. "I hate this room. It's sad." I moan, she chuckles "It is a little depressing." 

We sit in a comfortable silence for a while. 

"How did I happen?" I broke the silence. Dianna sighed. "You..." She thought again. 

"You weren't planned. Patrick and I had split and I was moving on. Then I was sick one morning and I discovered I was pregnant. Your Father wasn't here during the pregnancy, Eddie was though, we were good friends before we got together. I was...thinking about an abortion but Eddie convinced me not to, and when I heard your little heart beat I knew I could never go through with it. Patrick found out I was pregnant and decided he wanted nothing to do with you, but he was there when I gave birth. You were so precious, Dallas and Demi were young, but they were excited. Demi was 6, Dallas was 11. You were a very...Curious baby, always watching everything, always feeling things." Dianna chuckled at the memory. "Eddie was in your life, you had an obsession with his hair for some reason, always pulled at it and you had the most adorable smile..." Dianna smiled at me, but it fell a little. "I don't like us fighting all the time...You haven't actually had dinner with us yet, or spent a whole day with us." Dianna said. I chuckled to myself, it was true, I hadn't, I always ended up in my room pissed off at them, or just locked in my room in general. "I don't like fighting either." I agreed. 

"Well." Dianna stood up. "I'll take you to the spare room so you can get changed and showered, we're going out to Dinner later on and I think Dallas wants to show you around before then." Dianna told me as she grabbed my other wrist, though not as tightly as before, and led me out of my old room to the spare room. It was a typical spare room, it was neutral coloured, but, no attached bathroom. 

"You'll be sharing bathrooms with Maddie, it's the door opposite yours." Dianna said as I went to sit on the bed. 

"Thanks." I smiled at her. She walked in and kissed my forehead. "Get ready." She smiled, before leaving my room, shutting the door behind her. 

My wrist had stopped bleeding at the airport and I managed to clean in the bathroom there. Eddie came in with my bags and placed them on my bed. "You good?" Eddie asked, I nodded. "I'm good. Thanks for being there." I smiled. 

He stopped. "Being where?" He asked. 

"Being there for Dianna when she was pregnant with me...And when I was taken." He smiled and nodded. "She told you?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah, about five minutes ago. I'm sorry about being so difficult." I stood up. He smiled. "That's okay. I understand. Now, Dallas wants to show you around, so get showered." He tapped the top of my head before leaving my room. 

I went into my bag and got out my shower things, makeup bag, hair straighteners and hair brush. And then got out my high waisted, denim shorts. A black T that had 'Stay weiRd' printed on it in white, and my black hightop converse. I grabbed my things and walked out of my room and into the bathroom to get ready.

20 minutes later I left the bathroom fully dressed. I put plasters on my cuts and then covered my wrists with bracelets so nothing could be seen underneath them. I plodded down stairs to see Maddie and Bea. "Hey Mads?" I asked, she looked at me. "Do you have a flannel I could borrow?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah, in my bag, it's the black one, no studs." She said. I nodded and quickly went upstairs into Maddie's room.

I sat on her bed and opened her bag to search for a flannel, I found a dark red one that went perfectly with my outfit and pulled it out, and zipped up her bag again.

I felt something sharp in the pocket and looked to find something that made my heart drop.

A blade.

Not only was it seriously triggering, but the thought of my little sister feeling that way was to much to bear. I put the blade in my room before tying the flannel around my waist and heading down stairs once again.

"Ready to go Kiddo?" Dallas asked. I nodded and said goodbye to everyone before leaving the house with Dallas.

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