[18] (Filler chapter)

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Light was pouring into the room, causing me to finally open my eyes. 

There was a small blanket over my body and someone was sat on the window seat looking outside, but my eye's hadn't adjusted to the light yet, so the figure was just blurry. 

I sat up a little and moaned, I was sore. Sleeping on a wooden rocking chair isn't that good for you turns out. I rubbed my eyes and by eyes adjusted to show it was Dianna sat there, she was looking at me with a smile on her face, though I could see faint teartracks on her face. 

"Morning sweetpea." She smiled as she shifted on the seat. 

"Mmorning..." I mumbled. 

"You scared me." She sighed. 

Right, I was stolen, and then I vanished. 

"Sorry, I-" 

"I know, Wilmer told us this morning after Eddie nearly skinned him." Dianna chuckled lightly. I nodded. 

"You want lunch?" Dianna spoke up, I raised an eyebrow. 

"It's nearly 12 in the afternoon." She chuckled at me. I laughed a little and carefully got up from my position. I was sore. 

"Rocking chairs suck to sleep on." I groaned as I stood up. Dianna chuckled. "I know..." She smiled sadly. God this feeling sucks. 

"So, what are we doing today?" I asked her as I folded up the blanket. 

"I'm not sure, what do you want to do?" She asked. I thought for a moment. 

"I'm not sure...My hair is getting a little faded." I began. "Want to go to the salon and have it re-dyed and cut?" Dianna asked. I nodded. 

"Okay, I'll make you some lunch whilst you get ready, then we can go straight after you've ate alright?" She smiled as she stood up. I nodded happily. "Where's everyone else?" I questioned. 

"Demi, Wilmer, Rob, Dallas, Maddie and Bea have gone to the movies for the day and Eddie is seeing some of his old friends." Dianna answered. 

"Ohh so we're having our first Mother-Daughter day?" I asked. She laughed. "I think we are! Go get ready." She finished. I nodded and left the room after handing her the blanket. 

I have a shower, but don't wash my dirty hair, then I change into black skinny jeans, and a slightly baggy, pink, mini mouse tee with my obvious bracelets and my black converse, before heading down stairs. 

 Dianna had made me a bacon sandwich, which I ate almost the moment I saw it. "Someone's hungry." Dianna commented as I took a large bite. I smiled and nodded. 

I finnished my sandwich and stretched. "Ready to go?" Dianna asked. I smiled and nodded.  We walked out to the car and got in. 

"So, are you looking forward to school?" Dianna asked as she pulled out of the driveway. I wasn't looking forward to it. This was going to be an American school, so that means the girls will be more...Preppy. I didn't do preppy, bitchy was one thing, preppy was even worse. 

"I'm not sure." I sighed. Dianna nodded. 

"It's  a good school, you'll be alright." Dianna took my hand and gave it a squeeze before focusing back on the road. 

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