[23] A different view.

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I really didn't know why I even brought this damn car, I hated driving, scratch that, I hated OTHER drivers, especially in L.A. Everyone here was in a rush and had a place to be. Which I understood, but it was still infuriating.

I didn't always live in this dazzle stardom land, I moved her about a year and a half ago with my Grandparents, I had no idea why they lived in such a busy, loud area, but they enjoyed it here, but it also made you appreciate silence a lot more than the average person who doesn't live in a place like L.A.

I was born in New Orleans on the 8th of August 1997, around two years later my parents and I moved to Australia where they had my baby sister Brie, then five years after that we went to Austin Texas. I wasn't happy about the move, and Brie was to young to really register what was happening. We lived in Texas for a long while, then when I was twelve my parents died in a car crash, which explains my hate for driving and other drivers, but it would of been different if my Mother wasn't in that car.

My Father was the most vile man I have ever met, he had that creepy aura about him, the kind that if you saw him in a store or down the street you're hairs would stand on end and your stomach began churning in the most unpleasant way. He was a slob and abused my Mother and I, if it was only physical abuse I'd be fine, but the things he did to us were the things no human should ever go through, and I hated him with every inch of my soul.

I thought it was gods way of finally removing him from the planet, but unfortunately he took an angel in the process, and my Mother went to.

My Grandparents then moved out to Texas to look after my sister and I, but three years later the worse thing that could happen, happened.

My beautiful, talented, kind hearted baby sister committed suicide whilst I was at my first job.

I had no idea, no, that's a lie, I knew she wasn't okay, and I tried everything I could to make sure she was happy and laughing. But I couldn't always be there and I hated that. I hadn't even scratched the surface of her suffering.

**flash back****POSSIBLY TRIGGERING***

I was walking rather quickly home from the cafe I was working at. I hated the manager because he gave me the same feeling my Father did, but the pay wasn't to bad, and everyone else was rather sweet, so it was worth wading out. 

I'd had a awful feeling in my stomach all day today, which was why I was practically sprinting home. My baby sister, Brie, had been off for a few days and this morning she seemed dead inside. 

She'd slept in my room last night, which wasn't new, she used to sleep with me all the time when we were younger, since she was scared of our Father, I had to protect her and that's what I did in every way possible. Her excuse last night was just that she wanted to be near me, and that she didn't feel good. I wouldn't argue, and so we both fell asleep cuddling. This morning when she said goodbye, it was so different. Normally I'd kiss her forehead, give her a say 'See you later Bee' which she'd reply with 'Okay Gem stone' since she was fascinated about the fact I was named after a stone. That was always are goodbye, everyday since I could remember. But this morning she hugged me tightly and kissed my cheeks before whispering 'I love you Jayde, don't forget me." in such a heart breaking tone. I hugged her tightly back and whispered. "I love you too, I could never forget you so don't worry." I kissed her forehead and pulled back. Her eyes were dead and I immediately didn't want to leave her alone. 

"Do you want me to stay home today? I can, I wouldn't mind." I suggested, she shook her head. "No go to work." I tried convincing her in letting me stay, but she said she was fine, and that if she wanted me home she'd call. I trusted her, and agreed, ignoring the bad feeling in my gut. 

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