Around Dallas.

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Dallas was an alright place I guess. It had a mall, people, Starbucks, people and a shit tone of people wearing cowboy boots and hats. But it was rather peaceful around here, and I liked that.

"I still can't believe you've never had a Starbucks before!" Dallas says for the millionth time. 

"All it is, is caffeine Dal, nothing to special there." I shrugged. She turned around and faced me, her mouth and eyes wide open. "Nothing to special?" She repeated over dramatically. "NOTHING TO SPECIAL! How are you even my sister!" She gasped. I let out a dry chuckle. "I've been asking myself that for a few days now.- OW!" I complained as she pushed my arm. "Don't start." She scowled. I rolled my eyes and looked around Starbucks as we waited to order. Like I said Dallas Texas was nice and green, did I really care though? No, I'd much rather be back in L.A with Jayde and everyone. 


The thought of her made my stomach flip, I wasn't sure though, I think staying as friends would be best, but maybe I was only thinking this because I was away from her and I wasn't dieing to get back to just her, I missed everyone the same. 

"Leigh!" Dallas snapped her fingers in front of my face. 

"What?" I snapped, pushing away her hand.

"You zoned out, what do you want?" She asked.

"I'll have a caramel Frappuccino." I replied. 

"Name?" The lady taking the drinks asked. 

"Leigh." I replied. 

Less then five minutes later we walked out of Starbucks and over to the small park close by. 

"So" Dal said as she sat on one of the benches, "how are you finding living with us?" she asked before taking a sip of her latte thing.

"Well" I sighed "Considering there hasn't been a day without an argument, and I haven't actually spent more the 12 hours with you in the two days I've been living with you, I'd say...Shit." I had some of my Frappuccino, it was amazing.

Dal frowned at me. "Well, you didn't help with that." She says before going back to her drink. An uncomfortable silence fell over us as we decided to just watch the kids in the park giggle and have a good time, one boy in particular who was probably around 6 was trying to climb to the top of the large play set, and his Dad was racing to get him.

"I know I haven't. And I apologize for that. This is just a lot for some one to take in, and when that someone is me, it makes all this a lot more harder." I sighed after the young boy was caught and was pulled kicking and screaming off the frame.

"I know Leigh..." Dal sighed as she shifted again.

"So, let's play 21 questions?" I asked. She grinned and started off the game.


An hour of 21 questions, 2 hours of shopping, a movie, three Starbucks, and one car ride later, Dal and I entered the Delagarza household. She was great, and I actually felt like she was my sister now. We knew the the general about each other. I was happy until I heard yelling come from inside the house. 

"Demi calm down jeez!" Maddie practically begged. I was about to announce we were home, but Dal put her hand over my mouth and gave me a "stay quiet" look.

"No Maddie! Where's the blade to this!" Demi yelled at who I assumed was Maddie. 

"Look Demi it was one time!" Maddie yelled back. 

"That has nothing to do with it Madison! You know what cutting did to me, I had to go into to treatment for fuck sake and yet you still did it, even if it was just once!" Demi went to rehab? 

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