Sometimes..just sometimes we humans tend to overlook ourselves. Well, being one of the most selfish beings on planet Earth, its quite astonishing how selfish we can be at the same time.
No resource on Earth is abundant, but love. Yet instead of exploiting the abundant assets we resolve to squeeze out utility and beat the pulp out of every non-abundant resource on Earth.
An anonymous but wise person has said-"Love is for those who are happy to love". And loving yourself indeed is an art which is not the easiest to master. When we become competent enough to do so, only then would we be able to taste the true essence of a beautiful life. It's hard but not unattainable.
Take your surroundings as an example. Did you notice how beautiful the sky looks at night? It always seems as though the stars are dazzling and the moon is posing just for your eyes to notice; Twinkling from time to time,even in the darkest hour they don't dare to lose their style and charm. Each star might have a different story, but that doesn't affect their nature in the slightest way possible.
And have you been lucky enough to spot a comet? Did you make a wish?
A body of logic would perceive it as a solid mass of rock, fire and inflammable gases heading towards the planet which is likely to cause a considerable amount of destruction.
But a soulful mind would view it as a beautiful act of Nature, as a falling star, as a source of hope to billions here, as an ignition to your heart to break the realist barriers of worldly possibilities and dream the non-existent, impossible, and unrealistic dreams that you wish to dream.
So don't let your body dictate your mind, but wholeheartedly let your mind rule your body and life. Go ahead make your life the happiest one with mistakes and memorable moments.
And yeah..don't forget to love yourself!!!!
(Inspired by BTS' #LOVEYOURSELF campaign)
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