『Chapter Three』

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In the classroom, Miss. Allen-Mays had allowed the students to converse quietly until the new students arrived. Kyle, unable to resist his mischievous nature, turned around and looked at Jaxson with a smirk on his face. Curious and somewhat suspicious, Jaxson asked, "What do you want?"

Kyle took on a sly tone and began his proposal, "I have an idea. Whoever the new students are that walks through that door, you have to get them to go out with you."

Amused, Jaxson responded confidently, "Are you serious? That's all? No girl can resist m—" His words were interrupted as the classroom door swung open, revealing a boy holding a baby.

Shocked and puzzled, Jaxson stared at the unexpected sight. "Umm, what were you saying again?" Kyle taunted, sporting an even bigger grin on his face.

"I'm not going out with a dude," Jaxson quickly said, rolling his eyes. "What about the girl in his arms, she's pretty cute," Kyle said, obviously trying to hold back an obnoxious laugh at his horrible joke. Jaxson just gave him a blank stare, not saying anything. He didn't find it funny, at all.

Zachary and Ivy walked up to the teacher and conversed in a quiet conversation before Miss. Allen-Mays turned to the rest of the class.

"This class is Zachary Brady, and this lovely little girl is his daughter Allie. I expect you guys to be welcoming and respectful," she announced to her first period class.

As the teacher continued to introduce Zachery and his daughter, whispers began erupting among the students, reacting to the new arrivals, especially the one who couldn't have arrived in this world more than a year ago.

"He's kind of cute."

"Girl, be careful before he knocks you up next.

"Oh my God, she's so adorable."

"This dude brought a whole ass baby to school."

"Wait, we can bring babies to school now?!"

"Damn, does that mean he's taken?"

The classroom eventually quieted down, and Zachery was instructed to sit next to Ivy. Jaxson followed him closely with his eyes as he walked to the back of the class and sat down. Eventually he refocused on the lecture and would unknowingly find himself occasionally taking glances back at Zachery. Jaxson had to admit to himself that Zachary was good looking.

Jaxson zoned out while staring at Zachary, causing him to look up from his notes and stare back at Jaxson. A smirk crept across Jaxson's face as their eyes met. Zachery seemed momentarily uncomfortable before looking away, amusing Jaxson.

Turning back around Jaxson leaned forward, "Pssst...Kyle," Jaxson whispered into Kyle's ear. "What do you want?" Kyle asked, turning around. "I'm calling it off. I'm not going to try and date him. I'm not a faggot," Jaxson declared, attempting to maintain his tough demeanor.

Kyle appeared taken aback by the remark. "Bro, it's not that serious. I didn't expect you to go through with it, it was just a joke," Kyle replied, rolling his eyes and turning back around. Great, now Kyle seemed upset with him, and for what?

When the bell rang, signaling the end of class, Jaxson packed up his belongings and left the room with Kyle by his side. As they headed to their next class, Kyle suddenly looked at him, "So what do you think of the new kid and his...kid."

Well it seemed Kyle wasn't mad at Jaxson afterall, which he was thankful for. Kyle was the only person that Jaxson made sure he was always on good terms with, no matter how many times they got into it.

Jaxson rolled his eyes and replied, "He's okay, as long as he doesn't bother me," as they entered their physics class.

Meanwhile as Zachary was taking notes in his second period algebra class, he suddenly felt the urge to pee. He set down his pencil and raised his hand, attracting the attention of a few of his classmates as well as the teacher.

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