『Chapter Four』

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Jaxson and Kyle took their seats at the back of the classroom of their fourth period, observing as students filed in through the door. Jaxson couldn't help but notice a girl who entered, and when she glanced at him, she blushed and quickly looked away. Amused, Jaxson's lips curved into a smirk, a sight that had earned him admiration from many.

Their Economics teacher, Mr. George arrived seconds after the bell rang, commencing the class. However, half through the class he excused himself, leaving the students with a reminder to maintain order during his brief absence.

As Mr. George left the room, hushed whispers about a certain individual began to make its way around the room. Kyle, sitting beside Jaxson, found the topic amusing.

"Seems like someone is becoming quite popular around here." Kyle said laughing".

Disinterested, Jaxson brushed off his comment and decided to pass the time by browsing Instagram on his phone. Minutes later Mr. George returned back to the classroom and resumed his lesson.

After the class ended, Jaxson and Kyle made their way to the cafeteria for lunch. They walked together down the crowded hallways, Jaxson occasionally glancing at his phone to check for any new notifications.

Jaxson entered the cafeteria and took a seat at their usual table. Kyle joined him shortly after grabbing something to eat from the lunch line. Starting a conversation with Axel he began eating, paying no mind to Jaxson.

Jaxson never quite understood why Kyle hung out and talked to Axel, he was an asshole. Well, so was Jaxson, but Axel was just a straight bully and so was his friend Ryder.

Bored, Jaxson began looking around the overly crowded cafeteria until he found what he was looking for. Zachary's table, where he noticed him engaging in conversation with two other guys.

Jaxson had never seen those two guys before, but then again there were over 2,800 students in the school. The longer he looked though the more he realized the guys looked oddly alike. Jaxson felt stupid as he soon realized they were twins.

As Jaxson watched across the room, Chassidy, a girl with a penchant for excessive perfume, approached Jaxson. Irritated, he questioned her motives, and she seemed to be concerned, but Jaxson could see through her act.

In an attempt to escape Chassidy's chatter, Jaxson abruptly left the cafeteria and headed to his secluded spot on the school roof, where he liked to smoke. Once there, he lit a cigarette and tried to relax. However, his tranquility was short-lived when he sensed a presence behind him. When he turned around, he was taken aback to find his brother, Damon, standing there with a smug look on his face.

"Damon?" Jaxson questioned in disbelief, slipping the cigarette from his mouth.

"Long time no see, baby bro. How's it been?" Damon said, clearly relishing the surprise look on Jaxson's face.


Damon's smug smirk greeted Jaxson as they locked eyes. "Long time no see, baby bro. How's it been?" Damon's voice carried an air of arrogance, instantly putting Jaxson on edge.

Jaxson lit another cigarette, trying to maintain his composure. "So, how long has it been? Four years?" he asked, exhaling a plume of smoke into the air. Damon took a step closer, reaching into his pocket to pull out his own pack of cigarettes.

"How are moms and pops doing?" Damon inquired, taking a drag from his newly lit cigarette.

"You should ask them yourself," Jaxson replied coldly, turning away to avoid further conversation.

Unfazed, Jaxson continued, "So what brings The Damon Kingston to Permentris High?" Damon put on a smile as he spoke, "Well, I had to come to see how my baby brother was doing. Is that so bad?"

Rolling his eyes, Jaxson scoffed, "If you're done, I have to get back to class," lying to avoid any further interaction. Damon seemed to accept the dismissal, turning to leave. However, just before exiting the roof, he paused and turned back to Jaxson.

"Oh, and one more thing, Jaxson. I didn't forget," Damon said cryptically, leaving Jaxson puzzled.

Jaxson waited a few minutes before putting out his cigarette and went back inside. Jaxson's frustration lingered as he headed down the hallway, away from the cafeteria, and towards the exit. Once outside, he found solace in the solitude of his car. Resting his head against the steering wheel, he tried to calm his racing mind.

A knock on his car window interrupted his thoughts. Irritated, he looked up to see a girl standing outside. "What do you want?" he asked, his mood far from friendly.

"My name is Carmen, remember from your first period?" she said, trying to remind him.

"No, is there something you want? As you can see, I'm about to leave," Jaxson replied dismissively. Carmen was about to speak but she stumbled over her words. Annoyed Jaxson rolled up his window and started his car, driving off, leaving the girl standing there in shock..

As he drove, he turned on the radio to distract himself from the swirling emotions. At a red light, he glanced out the window at a nearby playground, reminiscing about carefree days in the park with his brother and parents. His thoughts were interrupted when honking behind him signaled the light had turned green.

AN: Hello, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm trying to update at least every two days. Please vote and leave your feedback, it is very much appreciated. Have a great day, or night!

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