Types of diabetes

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You are tempting me to update. So yeah. To talk about diabetes, more pages are needed. And I honestly don't know everything about it. I am not a doctor yet.( just a student)
So I have to tell you about the types of diabetes mellitus(full name yeah)
This is going to be tougher than I thought.
Okay, I hope you remember as I said before, the organ called pancreas in which the beta cells secrete insulin.
So some time before, the diabetes was classified as
1) juvenile diabetes
2) adult onset diabetes
As name suggests, juvenile affects younger people and the latter, old people.
But now, the classification is kinda changed.
1) insulin dependent diabetes
2) non insulin dependent diabetes

Insulin dependent diabetes
Insulin dependent is the reason for diabetes is insulin deficiency. That is insulin is not secreted from the beta cells of pancreas. So it is called insulin dependent.
In this type, further there are two subtypes.
1) immune mediated
That means there is destruction of beta cells by the body's immune system itself. It is called autoimmune disease. That is body's own cells are mistaken for foreign pathogen( infection causing agent) by the immune system of the body. So beta cells are destroyed as a result no insulin.
2) idiopathic
The cause is unknown. Just not enough insulin.
Non insulin dependent diabetes
Here insulin is secreted but it is not utilized. The glucose do not enter into the cell. The receptors for insulin do not work properly.
I hope I explained this clearly.
Other type is gestational diabetes
It is the diabetes in pregnant woman.

I know these things can be easily found in Internet, let's just say i am explaining in my words. Besides later it helps me in revision. And also it makes sure I am reading or not.

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