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Well honestly tuberculosis is a very large topic. I will try to squeeze it down in here for you. This chapter is dedicated to buttersnaps41
Thanks for showing interest.


Tuberculosis is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis which is a bacteria.
It causes diseases such as pulmonary disease(lungs)
Ulcerated skin lesions

Mode of transmission

It is spread by inhalation of organisms present in the cough droplets.

Ingestion of organisms leads to intestinal tuberculosis. This is by self swallowing the infected sputum of the same person.

Or it can be by inoculation of the organisms into the skin but it is rare.

Transplacental route that is from infected mother to the child.


local spread
The macrophages(wbc cells) wbc cells are the cells belong to immune system. Those cells fights off the viruses and bacteria and stuff. You know the things that can harm the human body.

So as I am saying, macrophages carrying the bacilli into the surrounding tissues.

Lymphatic spread(by lymph tissues)
Hematogenous spread (by blood)


Primary tuberculosis
Secondary tuberculosis

Primary tuberculosis

Inhaled tubercle bacteria are engulfed by alveolar macrophages(abc cells in lung) it forms a lesion called ghon focus. It is found in lungs. And also present in tonsils and lymph nodes.
So this is particularly high in case of immunocompromised patients such as patients with AIDS.
You see the immune system is so weak in the patients with cases like AIDS.

So I told you about ghon focus right?
That thing can either heal by calcification or fibrosis.
=>Calcification is the deposition of calcium in the tissues.
=>caseous necrosis is typical of tuberculosis. It is yellowish, looks like cheese. Basically necrosis is cell death.

Well if I start explaining every single thing, I will be exhausted and it will become boring to you so I'm continuing anyways.

So as I am saying, the ghon focus can develop into military tuberculosis.
Which as the name suggests, look like millets. It affects organs like lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys, and brain.

The lesions can heal but they can be reactivated.

If the infection comes second time it's called secondary tuberculosis. Easy right?

It can be either by reactivation of old lesions or fresh infection by tubercle bacilli.


It occurs in lung.

These kind of lesions can heal by fibrosis and calcification.
It can coalesce to form tuberculous pneumonia.
Military tuberculosis.

It can also causes tuberculous emphyma.
Cavitary lesion and non cavitation lesion.

Cavitary remains in the cavity infection is controlled there. While non cavitary is kind of opposite.

As said before the ingestion of tubercle bacteria can cause laryngeal and intestinal tuberculosis.

SORRY FOR THE DELAY!! buttersnaps41

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