Chapter 11:Trevor.. Trisha's Bullying

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It has been a month since trish started school and Trevor kinda started talking his turning three soon and Del is going crazy planning his wild party I mean his only turning three for the five past days the little gentleman of the house has been crying every time either one of us goes to work late to go with them and I do not plan on having a nanny for Trevor cause his spends most of the time with us... "Mama mama mama mama " yes Trevor what do you want? He started clapping his hands "Dada dada dada " okay let's call dada huh.. Del picked up on the first ring "hey someone wants to talk you " oh is it my little man Trevor saw his father he started screaming dada dada mish you Awwwuh I miss you more am coming home soon okay oktay.. Del babe do not forget to pick up trish from school.. I won't forget bye.. Bye.

During dinner I saw trish zoning out most of the time are you okay baby? I asked yes yes she was quick with her answer at that moment I knew something was wrong and am going to found out "okay let's go watch a movie trish baby you picking today " mmmh I want moana Mummy", so how was school trisha.. It was okay but I can hear the sadness in her voice what is wrong honey you look and sounds sad she started crying mummy and daddy am sorry but this mean girls keeping getting my lunch food and saying am ugly. What???? Del stood up babe calm down you are scaring trish tomorrow we are going to go to your school and talk to the principal....... The next day we went to her school talked to the principal and saw the girls Thank God they received a punishment.. When leaving her she looked happy and that made me happy.

.. Important message :Stop Bullying people are killing themselves cause of bullying if you out there bullying people stop even the little negative comments we make on people they can still affect them love everyone and if you are being bullied talk to someone but also remember you perfect, powerful and you can do anything and Last God Loves you Alot ❤

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