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I'm sorry

Sorry for being such a disappointment to you

For not being this perfect child you want me to be

I get it

You don't have to remind me

I'm sorry I'm not a skinny beautiful model

I'm trying

Trying so hard to impress you

I'm trying so hard to meet your expectations

You don't have to continue reminding me about it

I'm trying..

It's so obvious you hate me

It's okay tho

I hate me too..

I'm sorry for not being who you want

For not getting straight A's

For not being more social

For not liking what you like

For not being the person you wished for

Honestly you'd be happy if I were dead

Why don't I just kill myself, huh?

Would that make you feel better?

Would your life be more easy?

It'd make mine easier..

It'd make you happy

Make everyone happy....

I'm sorry....

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