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괜찮아 자 하나 하면 잊어
슬픈 기언 모두 지워
손을 잡고 웃어

It's alright, now count 1, 2, 3 and forget
Erase all sad memories
Hold my hand and smile...

I wish so badly
I could do this

That it would be this simple

Just a count to three and I'd be fine

I could smile

A real smile

I could be with you

I could hold your hand

I can feel safe

Everything would just go away

When I'm with you I feel so safe

When I get to feel your arms around me

Breathing in your scent

Just seeing your face

That beautiful face...

The last time I felt like this...

Felt safe in someone's arms...


It all came crashing down..

I'm terrified

That this feeling will just go crashing down

That everything and anything that could go wrong would happen

I'm so scared...

Just please
On a count of three

Make it all go away

These bad memories

The sadness

The unwanted feeling

Just make it go away

Let me be happy

Just take my hand please...

Let us both smile


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