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For family, we are dividing this up into grandparents, parents, siblings, spouse, and children.


Step 1: Flip a coin; heads/female, tails/male

Step 2: Flip another coin; heads/alive, tails/dead

Step 3: Spin the parent wheel in the backstory to give personality and then the wheel to decide your dragon's disposition towards them

Step 4: Repeat for other grandparents


Step 1: Flip a coin; heads/female, tails/male

Step 2: Roll a D3; 1-2 alive, 3, dead

Step 3: Spin the parent wheel in the backstory to give personality and then the wheel to decide your dragon's disposition towards them

Step 4: Repeat for other parent


Step 1: Roll the amount wheel for how many siblings

Step 2: Roll the 'HiveWing spots' amount wheel, or the amount wheel with no zeros, to determine the age difference in years. Then flip a coin to determine whether they are older or younger than you. Heads/older, tails/younger

Step 3: Spin the parent wheel in the backstory to give personality and then the wheel to decide your dragon's disposition towards them

Step 4: Do gender wheel

Step 4: Repeat for other siblings

THAT IS UNLESS YOU ARE A MUDWING! If you are a MudWing, roll a D15.


Step 1: Flip a coin to see if your dragon is married or not. If you get heads, they are, do one of these for them, but add five more of your tribe in their tribe wheel, and take out any wheels you think are unnecessary.


Step 1: Flip a coin again and again. If you get heads, you get another kid and flip again. If you get tails, you don't get a kid and you don't get to spin again.

Step 2: Roll a D18, or, if your dragon is older dragon age, a D30. That's your child's human age; then change it into a dragon age.

Step 3: Spin the parent wheel in the backstory to give personality and the personality wheels

Step 4: Do gender wheel

Step 4: Repeat for other children

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