。♡ Chapter 1 ~ Me

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I am Ashely Evangeline. I'm 20 years old. But in werewolf time no clue to be honest. I have an older brother name Jaebeom and a sister name Jisoo. We are the Evangeline family because we are werewolves. I'm the leader of my pack. The Evangeline has been the strongest wolves there is. We Evangelines lives in our world and in the human world too.

Our parents aren't the Evangeline ... they are the Sanders and because they has abandoned me to go with the another team. But not the Romulus' though. They were with the Sanders. So when they abandoned me. My brother and sister took me in. And started training me to do things like hunting and things like that with my packs teaching me since I still a newbie and I haven't gotten my wolf form yet. We always train in our world instead of the human world because o our powers but it mainly depends though. And my pack is Jisoo, Jaebeom, Mark, Yugyeom, Wooyoung, Hongjoong, Rose, Lisa, Hyewon, Jennie, Eunwoo, Mingyu, and Minhee.

And about our enemies is the Romulus they are the most selfish and meanest people / werewolf ever. They are literally terrible. Their pack is Kai, San, Yunho, Mingi, Jongho, Seonghwa, Yeosang, Baehyun, Mina, Dahyun, and Eunbi. Kai is their leader and San is little brother. Kai and San are both different from each other. But people are saying that they are the same.

I don't know what San looks like at all to be honest I've never seen him at all. I only know those information for Jaebeom that's why.

{ The story }

I woke up in a small and dark room. Being tied to a chair. I tried getting out but I didn't work then I heard laughing but.... don't see them but instead I keep hearing their voices in my head. But suddenly out of nowhere they did appeared and it was... Mom and Dad with Kai and some boy that I can't see his face for some reason... behind them?! And they came to me and said...

Mom: "You are gonna lose..."

Dad: "You will never win to the Romulus family...."

Kai: "I'm gonna kill you and that's final!..."

???: "...."

When Kai said that he looked at the other boy and he was quiet. And Wooyoung suddenly appeared and helped me. Then someone was tapping me and calling my name and I realized that was only my dream.

I woke up in the middle of the night... when I woke up I saw Wooyoung and his figure was on his lips and I nodded and then he said...

Wooyoung: "Come to the kitchen with me."

When he said that I nodded and followed him quietly. When we were both in the kitchen... we both sat down and he said...

Wooyoung: "Are you okay?"

Me: "Yeah I am..."

Wooyoung: "Okay then... what's with all the nightmares you have been having then?"

Me: "I don't know okay."

Wooyoung: "Okay don't worry about it."

Me: "Okay and thank you for the help now and the dream."

Wooyoung: "It's no problem at all. It's what I do."

Me: "Thanks Youngie."

Wooyoung: "It's my pleasure now let's go back to sleep little pie."

When Wooyoung said that I hugged him and he hugged me back. And also one of Wooyoung's powers is Dream Manipulation and he uses that powers to control my dreams correctly. If my dreams ends bad then it'll be dangerous... and that something bad will eventually happens so whenever I do he gets notified and he uses his powers and comes into my dreams and make it right. Dangerous as in more then the missions we usually have.

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