Chapter Four

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Here I am waiting in the library...doing exactly what I said I wasn't going to do. I know he was gonna do some shit like this and now he has wasted my precious time. I'm going to head home now and email Mr. Washington that Tyler needs a new tutor...ASAP....God curse my kindness...

I walk out the library of course in irritation cause this dickhead has wasted my time. Like your already failing...and now you missing study sessions...This is why I'm not kind to boys like Tyler...they take everyone as a joke and I'm most certainly not to be taken as a joke.

As I'm about to walk out the doors I hear my named being yelled...


And I know that voice anywhere...

I don''t stop walking...I actually start speed walking to not talk to this guy...

"genesis can you please stop walking..."


Somehow he finally catches up with me...and he is really out of breath...for heaven sake he could at least get into shape.

"why won't you stop walking..."

"because I told you to meet me after school not an hour after school..."

"....look I'm sorry I had somethings to do..."

Then I turn around.

"you were so busy you couldn't tell me earlier you weren't gonna be able to study today instead you just left me hanging after school for nearly 2 hrs. while I could've been doing something productive with my time and now you want to say sorry?"

"...well damn when you put it like that..."

"I'm going home but thank you for wasting my time." 

I continue to walk again.

"let me at least drop you's kinda cold now and that would be rude of me not to bring you home."

And that's when I stop again...

it is cold as hell and all I had on was a dress...didn't even think about bringing a sweater.

"...fine...I'll go with you...but bring me straight stops no nothing." 

I turn around standing next to him waiting for him to lead the way and all he does is just stare...I hate when he does that.

"...well can you lead the way like..."

"...oh my yeah follow me."

so I followed.

Tyler P.O.V.

I can't believe I zoned out like that...she's just really cute. Kinda surprised she let me take her home... I know she mad at me still...but I was hanging out with Crystal and I guess time passed by without me noticing.

I get to my Black jeep which I do say so myself is my prize possession. Once we got to my car, I walked to her side to open for her and she simply says...

"it's fine you don't have to open the door for me." 

"but I want to its a kind gesture you know?" I opened the door.

She simply nodded and entered the car and I close after her.

I finally enter and start the engine but I don't know where I'm going honestly.

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