Chapter 4 Naruto

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Pic of Satoru

#Time skip#

Luna P.O.V

After we talked to the Hokage, he told us that we are gonna stay here as a ninja. Which is surprising, i guess he didnt hear about the massacre or he thinks that maybe it wasnt me who killed everyone. I don't know what I really don't care.

I'm walking to the nearest store when I saw a boy getting beaten, he's not even fighting back.

"Nobu." I said nodded in response knowing what I want him to do.

Nobu lunged at the crowd growling and the crowd ran away in fear of the giant wolf.

Who wouldn't be afraid of the giant wolf. I mean right, seriously. It's a giant wolf.

I walked up to the kid who was getting beat and was now crying. He had blond spiky hair and a pair of goggles on top of his head and he had an orange jumpsuit on. This guys fashion is not the best. But what can i say, im wearing a old jacket and black tights.

"are you okay?" I asked the kid.

"Y-yeah." He said quietly." Are you gonna hurt me too?"

"No im not. Whats your name kid?" I ask emotionless. The kid looked up at me then he had the biggest smile i have ever seen on a human.

" MY NAME IS NARUTO UZAMAKI(sp?)!!! AND IM GONNA BE HOKAGE!!! :-) :-) :-)" Naruto practically screamed in my face.

I flinched at how loud he was. I grabbed the wolf ears and whimpered. That was loud. >=(

"Shhhh! Not so loud, your making my ears bleed." I angrily yell at him.

"Hehehe gomen." He said scratching the back of his neck akwardly.(SP?)

Sigh. Stupid humans. Dont know how to control themselves.

"Why were those people hitting you?" i ask bluntly. I have never have been known as the person who would beat around the bush.

Naruto then looked down and his smile faded.

" I dont know why they dont like me, they just do." he said sadly and quitely.

'Crap, i made the human boy sad' i thought to myself.

" Come on, we are gonna go find me some new clothes. Wanna come along?" i ask. I know I will  regret this later.

The 1,000 wat smile returned as he loudly said "YEAH! I WANNA COME ALONG!!!"

"OUCH, STOP YELLING OR YOUR NOT COMEING WITH ME!!!!!!" I screamed at him. He is really gonna lose my sence of hearing.

" woops sorry" Naruto said sheepishly.

Nobu looked at me like i was insane. I know right, what are these human doing to me.

"Come on i dont have all day" i said as i started to walk away. I really gonna regret this later.



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