Chapter 3 Hokage

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Luna's P.O.V

Me and Nobu walked to the hokage's building. On the way there people kept giving me and Nobu weird looks. My hood was up so you can't see my ears, but my tail is in view.

I guess the humans here are slightly nicer here than the ones at my old clan. Idiots. Don't be mean to someone that can kick your ass.

They learned there lesson.

I was kicked out of my thoughts when I heard some adults talking about a monster of the village.

"-yeah he was just walking around."gossip girl 1 said.

"He should kill himself, nobody wants him here." the 3rd one said.

"I can't believe he has the n-" the second one said. but was cut by the first gossip girl.

"shhhhh! Remember we are not aloud talk about that!" the first said.

Strange? They said 'him'? Do they not know I'm a her. Stupid humans.

I walk to the hokages tower to talk to him. I really dont want to but it seems as the villagers or nicer here then the hayashi village and the other villages i been to.

I arrive at the hokage tower with nobu walking right behind me.I knocked on the door then her to faint "come in"

I open the door to see the old man sitting at the only desk in the room.Wow his eye lashes are weird. Who in the world has there eyelashes upside down. That's creepy.

"Who are you? the Hokage asked.

" My name is Luna." I replied not saying my last name because he could know about the massacre i did, but to be totally honest they deserved their fate.

"And last name" the Hokage asked trying to get more information on who i am.

"Sorry, I dont know," i totally lied. Then i made up a story to tell him."All that I remember is that my clan was massacred by an unknown force..." I paused a second, debating on whether I should tell him that i have my ears and tail or not. He does look like a trustworthy person. But i need to make sure my theory is correct."Do you judge people and tell other people someone secrets?" Yep, Im blunt.

"Well that is a blunt question. But i never tell people anyone about anyones secrets, its impolite to tell secrets and judge people. Without knowing them personally. Why do you ask?"(IF THAT IS WRONG,THEN DEAL WITH IT!!!)

That shocked me, if he is like this then there is a possibility that the rest of the villagers might be nicer than the rest of the villagers in the other villages. Well, i can always try to live somewhere for once. I could always leave the village.

"Well i was wondering if i can stay in this village?" I replied as Nobu flinched and l looked at me like i am crazy.

"Huh? Ok sure but i am gonna need to have ANBU to keep surveillance on you."

"well there is something I need to show you first."I stated. Nobu shoulder bump me on my leg then ask'are you going to show him your ears and tail?'through mind link.

I nodded my head once to say yes. Then slowly pulled down my hood exposing on black ears on my head also taking out my black wolf tail out of my jacket.

the Hokage gasped at my extra body parts that most people don't have.

"I know i am a freak, but i dont do any harm. I just want a place to crash for a bit. I wont stay long, I promise, Hokage-sama." i half said half pleeded. I want to try to give the pesky humans a chance.

'Really master? Are you sure? Remember what happen last time?'Nobu said through mind link.

"Nobu, never speak of that ever again." I said to my orange wolf.


I know its short and stuiped and i dont care...





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