Day 19: Sling

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Fandom: Bioshock Infinite & Undertale


Maybe it was the painkillers. Or maybe the concussion. But when Elizabeth opened her eyes, she saw an angel straight from heaven above. She was a tiny thing with yellow scales, swamped in white, clipboard clasped in her claws. Perched on her snout were round glasses that kept slipping as she wrote.

"Heeeey~" Elizabeth slurred as she sat up, thin sheet pooling around her torso. Huh...what was this thing on her arm? Absently she picked at it, stopping only when the angel sputtered out a plea and placed so small hand over hers.

"S-s-top that. You need t-t-to leave your cast alone." Was the angel scolding her? Elizabeth felt her grin widen. Small, an adorable stutter and...huh, was this a hospital? Smart people worked at hospitals. Then her angel had to be smart too.

"But how am I supposed to kick bad guy butt with this?" She asked, blinking through the muzziness. "You won't fall madly in love with my awesomeness if I can't fight."

"Oh d-dear," the angel hid her face with the clipboard. "Well n-n-no heroics until that arm heals. (Even if it would be sexy) You'll need t-to stay in a sling to make sure you heal right."

"That suuuuucks. Why do you have to be so cute?"

The angel blushed, her scales heating orange, "U-undyne, what d-d-do you remember? Do you know me?"

Know her? Was she supposed to...huh...Elizabeth squinted her good eye at the angel. Wait..."Are you my sexy, badass anime wife?"

She pressed the clipboard to her nose again, her complexion pushing scarlet, "Ahem....M-m-my name is Anna and we are, uh..." Anna wriggled her claws, drawing her attention to the ring. Elizabeth whooped.


Anna would have quite the story when the meds wore off and her wife of the past five years could think clearly again.

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