You hang out again

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Bruce Wayne
You where trying to write your new book, key word trying meaning you had writers block "What am i doing no she should be fighting against a lythrin" you decided to take a brake when you got a phone call.
You: hello who is this
???: hello it's Bruce Wayne
You: oh hey Bruce what you doing
Bruce: just wandering if you want to grab coffee
You: sure but I pick the place
Bruce: okay where must I meet you
You: meet me at the corner of Acacia road and Doreen street by the fountain
End call
When you got there you saw something you thought could never Bruce Wayne by the fountain in casual clothes trying to blend in he was not doing a good job tho "sorry Bruce I know it's you and you are not blending in when you have a million dollar watch and the newest Wayne phone in your hand" he turned around and covered your mouth "shush I don't want paparazzi following us" and that little glimmer of hope in your heart dropped wait since when was there a glimmer of hope" well put makeup on next time and hide your valuables" you motioned for him to follow you, you both had a conversation on how to hide in plain site he knew a lot but for some reason did not apply it to his outfit today and you stopped to look at your destination when he spoke "color cafe what's this place" he had a look of slight confusion "only the place where you can have coffee or tea and cake while you paint or mosaic, it's one of my favorite places to go too clear my head or get inspired now come" you both walked in to see that the place had not a lot of people in it but had a great view of the shops and boutiques and fountain "know hide your valuables and look and see what you want to paint or mosaic and we will sit over hear by the window, no need to worry nobody can see inside" he looked around to see a lot of things he could do but no idea what he wanted to do until you pointed a sculpture of a family of birds that needed painting on it so he took that while you took a bat sculpture/oval mosaic board (you chose also see what I did there) While painting his sculpture to see you painting/mosaicing "wow that's good I love that all the birds have a different style" he looked up to see you commenting his painting " thank you yours is stunning where did you learn to do that" he had pointed to yours "oh I used to take art as a subject until my mom died and I had to move in with my dad he thinks art is a waste of time since I had graduated high school four years earlier then a normal teen" you looked a bit sad "but I moved out at age 19 and I still visit my half sister now and then so no need to be sad" you both talked and finished your master pieces and had coffee and cake and talked some more, eventually he got a call and had to go but all in all it was an eventful afternoon. As you sat down in your chair ready to write your phone buzzed from a message.
Bruce: I had an amazing time this afternoon thank you for taking me there
You: your welcome have a good evening mr Wayne 😝
You sat down nice and refreshed and started writing in your new book "I think lythrin needs a friend"

Richard Grayson
You where bored at home practice had been canceled due to some complications in the theater. You where watching a new cop movie on flixit when you remember you had made a cop friend and got his number "Richie hmm maybe he is not busy" so you called him.
Richard: hey dancer you called
You: yip it's me, you free and if so want to meet up
Richard: yeah I'm free for today you can pick the place
You: okay how about..the old auditorium on the hill by the dog park
Richard: cool but isn't that place abandoned..hello
You hung up
You put the TV set off and and started heading to the dog park. You of course stopped to pet the dogs every now and then, when you got to the hill you saw Richie in a running tracksuit "hey Richie let's head inside" he giggled after the nickname as you both climbed through the window "wow this place is not that dirty for an abandoned place wait is that a little bed" he looked around in wonder "yeah more of a makeshift bed I come here a lot to relax not a lot of noise and my mom goes out of town a lot and this was my getaway place since she normally left me with my crazy aunt and uncle" he looked at your face to see that a sad smile made it's way to your face but he ignored it "so what do you want to do, wait let's spy on the dog owners we can make a funny story for each of them" he smiled even wider "yeah that sounds fun let's do it" so you both played that ga,e and talked for a long time but it came to an end when you saw that it was getting dark "thanks Richie for coming to my humble abode but I think we need to head back to our households good evening good sir" you both laughed and said your goodbyes and headed home both agreeing that you need to meet up again.

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