Chapter 1

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“Mom, it's been just a two months, I'm still adjusting to this new city but I'm alright,” I told my mom through the line, while fixing myself some toast and coffee for breakfast.

It's been almost two months since I moved in to this big city of New York from my small hometown. I came here because I got a full scholarship and I can't let that pass up.

On the other hand, I also work as personal assistant for Mr. Bieber, the owner of Bieber Inc. Well not yet, I guess. His father still owns the company and I don't know what sort of drama is going on between them right now but everyone knows his father is retiring soon. And he is the only son. So if you do the math, the company will fall on Mr. Bieber's hand in no time.

I need to work so I can support myself  financially, my basic needs and all that. I can't be forever a burden to my parents. They're not getting young. I have two siblings that needs their attention and support more than I do.

Getting that job must be just my lucky and worst day. Me and one of my college friend went to that interview that day. I wasn't expecting to get hired on the spot, I was so happy I could finally have a job. In fact, the salary was unexpected. It was a little higher than I thought.

Then the worst part was when I walked in to the door to meet my new boss. I was frozen shocked. I prayed for the floor to open up and swallow me.

“Are you still there, honey?” my mom's voice from the other line snapped me out of my thoughts.

I cleared my throat and giggled. “Yep, sorry.”

“Penny for your thoughts?”

“Hmm, it's nothing mom. How are you guys doing anyway? How's the kids?” I dismissed her suggestion immediately.

“Oh well, they are doing great! Your sisters just aced their exam, who's doin' it like them?” she laughed, and I pictured her throwing her head back. A smiled touched my lips, clearly reaching my eyes.

“Absolutely no one! I miss those kiddos so much.”

“They miss you too, Selena. I heard them talking about you recently before they went to bed.”

“Only good things, I hope. How about you and dad?”

There's a short pause on the other end and it's making me worry. I was about to ask when she started to talk again.

“You know, we're always fine. Your dad's workaholic as usual, but still manages to make time for us. While I, I started to take baking lessons. So next time you come home, I'll bake you a cake. Your favorite.”

I felt at ease after what she said. They seem to be doing really well.

“That's a promise, mom,” I said, chuckling softly. “Anyways, I need to hurry up or I'll get ready. Love you always, mom.”

“Okay, love you.”

The line went dead.

IT'S EXACTLY 8 am when I stepped into the Bieber's building, I'm even a little early since I supposed to be here at 8:30. But since I have a few papers to print, I decided to leave early and get it done before lunch so I don't have to worry about it ahead of time.

“You're late, Miss Gomez.”

I was caught off guard when my boss decided to appear behind me. I almost tripped over but luckily the wall was there to save me.

“What the f–” I'm so glad I hold the swear word back in my mouth before it even comes out. I quickly apologize before he could even utter a word. He nodded tersely, keeping the nonchalant emotion on his face.


It's Mr. Bieber's strict policy not to curse around him. It's pretty weird but makes sense, maybe he lives in his own pretty world and hearing those certain words is tainting it.

“So, um, sir–” I stumble with my words. Before I could even form a proper sentence, he beats me to it.

“You're late,” He said, eyeing me like I committed a serious crime. “Have you forgotten I hated waiting? Especially when waiting for something that is not even close to important.”

I'm not intimidated by him. Sometimes when his arrogance pisses me off, I just tell myself that I need this job. I need money. I respect him but sometimes his actions beg for another reaction.

He acts like he owns the world.

Yep, he's rich. Hell, everyone knows being one of the richest bachelors. Fame, success, looks, he have them all. Only one thing missing is the attitude. He has no respect for others. He's always shouting at everyone who makes a mistake, even the simplest. He's short-tempered, he's arrogant, his ego is even bigger the planet we live in. He only cares about himself, he's a manwhore. I see three different girls walk outside his office with their smudge lipsticks, messy hair, and wrinkled dresses in a week. He's cruel.

“Are you listening to me?” He snaps.

I blink at him for a few seconds and when I felt the embarrassment coming, I nodded. “I'm sorry.”

“My office,” he instructs then look at me briefly. I just stare back at him, momentarily adoring the golden flecks on his eyes. Damn, he got those beautiful eyes. Too bad, they're on a wrong person.

He didn't say a word after that, he just walks away and steps into the elevator. He was tapping keys when I realized we are on the same floor. I gotta catch it. The elavator is like four steps away from me so I speed dash to it.

I almost made it. I almost did. But I didn't, the door closes leaving me standing there like a dumbass. I caught a glimpse of him smirking directly at me before it completely closes and it's pissing the hell out of me.

What the fuck?

Fuck him.

I was waiting for almost fifteen minutes, tapping my foot on the marbled floor but no, the elevator didn't come back. I pushed the button multiple times but no, not working.

Did it get stuck or something?

With that thought, I couldn't help but smirk. The thought of that devil getting stuck alone in there is quite amusing.

I am startled when I felt my phone vibrate. I fish it out, thinking it was my mom or my roommate. I quickly put the passcode and it opens. It's a text from the devil.

Oh, he really stuck there?


Take the stairs, the elavator's won't work no matter how much you wait. Unless you want to wait till lunch?


I waste no time, stomping towards the stairs. But then I realize stomping on the stairs makes it more tiring than walking normally. And I don't want to be seen by other employees looking like a bratty kid sulking at her parents.

When I reach the third floor, it just occur me to check if all the elavator's aren't working. Sadly, they aren't working. Fuck.

I have no choice but use the stairs. And the office is at tenth floor.

This morning is supposed to be good morning. Why is this happening?! Ugh!

My feet hurt when I finally reach my floor. I'm sweaty too. I must look gross, what a horrible sight.

But what's more horrible?

Walking in my office, my boss sitting there with his scowl six feet deep.

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