Chapter 2

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“Shut all the elevators and just turn it back on after my secretary steps a foot on this floor.”

“What, sir?” the engineer asks me, looking baffled.

“You heard me,” I replied firmly before cutting the line.

I let out a sigh. I might be petty. Well yes, I'm pretty being petty right now. But I don't care. I have told her I hated waiting and she made me wait for an hour. I told her this is important for me but she blew me off. She asked for it.

I rolled my sleeves on my arms then took off my jacket suit. I checked the time on my rolex; 8:37. What's taking her so long?

Is she making me wait again?

I huff before stalking outside my office to see if she's coming in sight. No secretary. I felt my blood boil. She's getting on my nerves.

I took a deep breath, looking around. And I noticed her office door, it's open.

Is she here already?

Then why didn't she come at my office like I told her so?

I push the door open, the annoyance thickens. She's not yet here.

I look around her office, scanning her stuffs and all. Her style is pretty simple and boring if you ask me. But I like it, everything is just black and white. I saw a few picture frame containing her from what I think, her family photo. She's young back in this picture. She looks sixteen or something close to it. It's safe to say good genes run in their family. From her dad to her little sisters. Interesting.

My eyes found her desk, I noticed she also has pictures on her desk. Under the glass, she put some of her family photos too. I gaze all the pictures but one picture held my attention. It's a picture of her in a beautiful white dress with a flower crown on top of her head. It's simple for my taste but it really suits her as if the dress was made for her or she models for it. The white dress reach just above her knees showcasing her slim, slender legs. Her hair cascading down in flowy waves. She was looking at the camera, smiling softly as the picture was taken. Hmm, beautiful.

Fuck, my feet hurt.”

I heard her before I see her. I made myself comfortable on her chair and then scowls.


She was dazzled when she first saw me but it was quickly replaced with a reflection of mine. Her cheeks are flushed, a few sweat beads on her neck

“What are you doing here?”

Watch your tone, lady.

“Why were you late?” I counter, ignoring her question.

“I'm not late. I came here at 8 am sharp. But you left me there and made me take the stairs. Don't you know that we are on the tenth floor? What are you even doing here?”

I raised a brow, my lips stay on a thin line.

“I asked you,” she prompts.

The corner of my mouth lifted. I don't know why looking at her so riled up is somewhat amusing.

“Yeah, I heard.” I put my leg over my knee, making taps with the foot touching the floor in bouncing manner.

“Then why the fu–” she stops mid-sentence cutting off the curse word that almost left her lips. Her face darkens as she smirks.

“Why aren't you fucking answering Mr. Bieber?”

Tell me she didn't mean to say that out loud. Maybe she chants that in her head but saying it that loud is another story. Did she just really curse in front of me?

“Did you forget that I don't like cussing?” I snap.

Her dark smirk deepens. What's wrong with this woman?

“No chance, Mr. Bieber. But have you forgotten humanity? Kindness? I know I'm just your employee but is it right that you leave me there when you knew they will be fixing the elevators? Like fuck, the hell you care, huh?”


She's brave to talk to me like that. And I don't know but I find this hot. I find her hot but, nonetheless, disrespectful.

“I didn't know,” I said dismissively.

She chuckled. The sound was hoarse and it's making me feel a little turn on. The raspy texture of her sarcastic laughter is sending shivers down to my spine.

“You didn't know? Bullshit.”

“No swearing,” I demand.

She shook her head. Her tongue slides out of her plump lips, slowly tracing her lower lip.

Don't look, Justin.

“I'm sick of you, Mr. Bieber. I can't stand you!”

“Is that so?” My lips twitch watching her all flushed and angry at me.

“Yes, Mr. Bieber. I am, no, we are all sivk of you. I don't think anyone even genuinely likes you in this building. I work for you but that doesn't mean you can be this ass to me. You know what, you're an arrogant, selfish, ego-maniac son of a bitch!” Her sudden outburst didn't surprise me. It's easy to read her mind. She hates me from the start when I had been really nice to her when she started working here. Is this because of what happened that night?

Makes no sense.

My brow lifts, I slowly stand up and walk towards her. I stopped just a few centimeters away from her. They say I look intimidating from afar, what's more if up-close.

“I don't care. I don't live to please you. But you work to please me.”

Her mouth falls open and she scowls at me. Her features even getting darker.

I'm getting under her skin. And I like it. Pissing her off is just amusing. The stare she's giving me is dark and she looks like she's gonna attack me anytime soon. Sexy.

I look down on my wrist. 9 o'clock on the dot, play time's over.

“Print out the papers for signing. I need it before 9:30,” I said casually before strolling outside her office. I am not even out of earshot when I hear her mutter.

“Fuck you, Mr. Bieber.

That aggressive statement should make my blood boil. It's supposed to make me angry. But no, neither came. Instead I feel mischievous, amuse by her.

“Taking that as a challenge, Miss Gomez.”


So I don't really know if I should keep the old version of Nudes (I really got lost with the plot), or continue this version. What do you think tho?

Thank you for reading, you're awesome, remember that! Xxx

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