Chapter 4

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“That's on me, for the lady.” A voice suddenly said, startling me a little bit. I whipped around to see a man with dirty blond locks, standing five or more inches taller than me, to be fair I stand in heels. My eyes landed on his face, sharp jaw line, full lips, and hot smoky hazel brown eyes.

It's weird to be feeling intimidated but confident at the same time. It doesn't add up at all. In fact, he vibrated with not so nice vibes. He's hot but, eh, forget it.

“Uh, thanks.” I said nonchalantly, turning back to get my drinks that he was paying for no reason.

I stalked back to our table, feeling a pair of eyes watching my back as I walk.

“What have I missed?’’ I giggled, handing one of the glass to the Monica.

“She gettin' laid tonight!” The woman beside her squealed, sounding like a proud mama. Rose then nudged me with her elbow and gave me a reading look. “I think you should get too.”

I quirked my eyebrow then laughed. “Who's the dude though?” I asked teasingly, taking a sip on my drink completely dismissing Rose's idea. Nope, I can't get laid tonight. While on the other hand, Rose and her boyfriend, Chris, will probably jump on each other later and spend all night like rabbits. Please remind yourself never to crash at their place ever again. No, never again.

“He went to use restroom, he should be back in a bit. He's a good catch! Oh my god this has to be one of the best nights in my life!” Monica slurred, clinking glasses with the two of us. I laughed at her but agreed.

It's actually her birthday and we're out here to celebrate her aging (but like a fine wine though). She hates it when we say it like that, but we love her.

“I think you're drunk.”

She shook her head in an instant just as Michael, another friend, arrived back at our table. Unlike when he went away, he's now sporting a blonde on his side.

Woah, hi there hottie!” one of my friends, Jameson howled at the pair. He was openly giving her googly eyes, not caring that Michael was just standing right beside her. She didn't care though, I must have been really dizzy or the look she's giving him is just a reflection of his.

The next thing I know was I heard all of them laughing. It was like I spaced out and just coming back to earth.

“This is Selena,” Monica introduced me to a man I haven't seen before. I simply smiled at him and said nice to meet you. He said his name was Lou then shook my hand and took me by surprise when he kissed the top of it.

I uncomfortably yanked my hand out from his grasp and laughed awkwardly. You just don't do that thing boy. Damn. Not under the nose of the woman you'll be sleeping with tonight.

Everyone acted like nothing happened and proceeded to meet this dude. I rolled my eyes. Why do they need to introduce this one when it's gonna be just a one night stand. Nothing more.

“Why don't we all dance?” Monica suggested eventually, her arms instantly looping around mine. I didn't had chance to say no or agree because seconds later, she's dragging me to the dance floor. As we are a bit really tipsy, we bumped and swayed a lot on our way.

When we finally made it in the middle, my gaze started to dull, my head spinning as my body started swaying in the rhythm of the music. I felt so light headed as we dance. There's something I can't comprehend. There's this kind of sensation going on penetrating my senses. Is it the drinks I had?

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