Chapter 5

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The meeting ended quickly because everything was agreed upon once they discussed them. It's actually really refreshing to experience this kind of meeting, most meetings with our clients take a long time because Mr. Bieber likes to argue a lot, if it is not so obvious. He's really hot-tempered and wants everything to be very specific and crystal clear before he agrees.

My boss and Ms. Swift seemed to be close friends, well, captain obvious myself. Since they were together that night when my stupidness was at its very peak.

"So how did this happen, huh?" She eyed me again with those damn ocean eyes. A sly smile curling on her perfectly red lips.

I heard Mr. Bieber sigh before he mumbled something under his breath. I didn't catch it because I really feel under the spotlight with her eyes on me.

"Ugh, just tell me this once." She once again tried to convince him. I'm feeling awkward not saying anything because this is not me at all. Maybe because it's kind of personal issue and I'm not really one to talk. All I knew was I showed up that day on the interview and got hired.

"Taylor." He called her. Taylor's eyes lit up and she smiled brightly at him like a small kid in Christmas Eve. And then she laughed, "Woah, you dropped that Ms. Swift shit."

"You're making my secretary feel awkward. Can you get rid of your nonsensical questions?" He said with monotone voice. Actually that sounded like a demand rather than a request. He really thinks he can boss everyone, huh.

Taylor rolled her eyes at him. "You're no fun. I was just asking because I think it's ridiculous how she end up getting a job from you." She stopped momentarily and raise her right hand to seemingly admire her nails and again, she laughed. "You know, you swore to never see her face again because she got you real good."

"Shut up." He muttered. I couldn't help the small guilty smile from etching on my face. Because yeah, I think I really kicked him real good that night. I kicked him with all my might. It sometimes give me chills when I look at him. Will he be able to have kids, though? Genuinely curious.

"See? Your secretary knows what's up. I think you like her, that's why" She giggled, still teasing him. Then on from that, Mr. Bieber's cold hazel eyes met mine. I immediately look away because I think I might call all the gods and goddesses I know to turn me into thin air to escape his gaze. Even though I looked away, I could still feel his eyes pinned on me.

Want round two?

Just kidding, would be really terribly sorry if he wouldn't be able to have children because damn those genes. But wouldn't it beneficial not to make another Justin Bieber, hmm...

"If you have no other business with me, you can get lost." He said. Now that's rude. Thinking that they're friends and he's still rude, you get an idea how he treats other people.

Taylor laughed. Swear, this woman is so hearty, I like her. She looks like someone who would put this asshole in place but doesn't care about his antics and dick-ness enough to do so.

"Okay, I have a date anyway." She picked up her purse before getting up. "We'll meet again–" she paused looking at me. I told her my name and she smiled that beautiful smile. "Nice to meet you, Selena. Feel free to kick him in his nuts again when necessary. I got your back."

And with that, she's gone.

Once she's out of the building, I couldn't hold my chuckles any longer. Mr. Bieber looked and me then turned to glare.

"What are you giggling at?"

"I'm not giggling, sir."

"You are," he insisted. "Do not mind whatever Taylor said. She just have fun going through my personal business sometimes."

Personal business?

I'm a personal business?

I didn't speak and waited for him to continue but he didn't. He got a phone call, from who knows. Next, the waiter came back with our check and I pulled out the company card he gave me and paid it. I gathered up all our things and made sure everything is in place before we left the restaurant. When we made it out, Richard was already waiting outside.

We quickly hopped in, well I really did as fast as I could. The pain in my feet was coming back.

"My house." Mr. Bieber said nonchalantly.

"Um, Mr. Richard, you can drop me off by the office.'' I perked up.


I stopped and raise an eyebrow. "Am I not suppose to ride in this car, sir?"

"No," he repeated. He sighed then looked over the window. "You're coming home with me."


For what reason? I've never been on his house, I only saw it once in a magazine, all I know and damn sure of is it is very huge. But again, why am I coming home with him?

Oh my God, I just know he's plotting a murder.

Mr. Richard, you know who it is when I go missing, I wish you won't be silenced.

"But why? I still have loads of work to do." I stated. Yes, it's true. I still have lots of unfinished task that Mr. Bieber generously gave me to see if I'm really 'hard-working'. Hard-working my ass, he's been doing this treatment to me since I got hired.

"I'll give you more time to finish them." He assured, his tone still nonchalant. Ooh, interesting. Does he really mean it? Because wow, this could be the nicest dick he could get!

"But why do I need to come with you, Mr. Bieber?" I kept my serious face and asked again, I'm not letting this go until I know what's up. I could be really murdered, nothing's impossible these days.

"Fine," he sighed. "My sister wants to meet my girlfriend."

I think I stopped breathing. Thank God, it's just all my thoughts and I really didn't.

Wait, his girlfriend?

Where is she?

"Oh wow, congratulations Mr. Bieber and Ms. Selena." Mr Richard butted in, his smile so bright. "Hope you have a long-lasting relationship!"

uh. hello?

long timeeeeee, lovelies imy.

so, how's everyone doing? do i still have any reader? i know, you might have forgotten about this because even me, lol.

i hope you're doing alright tho!

okay, i apologize for suddenly disappearing, if you check on my message board, that's why. um, let me clarify, i do not ship jelena anymore. i'm happy for both of them separate ways. i just continue this story because idk i feel like it. i want to come to writing and maybe if i could make this work out...

so anyway, sorry for the filler. updates will still be inconsistent, though. i can't promise anything about it but i'm trying.

okay, i hope everyone a blessed day and please always take care x

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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