Chapter 1

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This day was probably the worst day i ever had in my life, i was walking down an alleyway to find My Pet Cat because he ran away and then everything went blank, and next thing i knew i was at the hospital with my mum crying next to me.

"m-mum?" i said, "Oh my god, my my baby Izuku, Are you okay?" cried Inko Midoriya.

"Wha-what happened?" Whispered Midoriya "You were attacked by villain, but--" Inko said as she burst into tears "mum i'm okay now... just please tell me what happened" Said Midoriya Quietly "Okay then, Well you told me that you would go and look for Mittens, and you were gone for some time.. a-and there was a knock on the door. i went to open the door and there s-s-sto-stood a-all -m-m-might with you in his arms, he just... put you in my arms.... a-and then he ran off, i never knew why..." Inko Midoriya  managed to spit out. Midoriya's eyes went wide "w-what? how long have i been here?" cried Midoriya "almost a day," said Inko, "Okay, when can i go home?" asked Midoriya

"u-um" Inko Stuttered "what?" asked Midoriya confused. "w-well, i made a deal so that you wouldn't die, i know i shouldn't have" said Inko as she started to cry

"Mum, Who did you make the deal with?" Said Midoriya Angrily

"I-it w-was w-i-ith, All might, he said he wanted to try find a way of you developing a quirk" Stuttered Inko

"WHAT?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT MUM, HE WILL PROBABLY KILL ME" screamed Midoriya And he jolted up And tried to run out the door

"Izuku, Sit Down" Said Inko as she stopped Midoriya from running out

"i-i'm sorry.." Midoriya Muttered and sat back down "Its okay my little Izuku, He is coming tomorrow, i will ask the doctors when you can get out" Stated Inko "And My little hero, i will pack your stuff for you" Smiled Inko. that was the last time he ever saw his mum Smile or even saw her at all.  

A/n Sorry this was short i didn't have much ideas UwU

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