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Michaels POV
I sat on my bed and just looked out my window.
I now had two days.
Tomorrow was my last day and we haven't even said I love you to each other.
I was wearing my sweater and just thinking.
It wasn't until I heard my door open.
" hey Ashton " I said smiling at him.
" hey, so um what you wanna do today" he asked sitting down.
" I don't know it's raining, and when there is sad weather I'm sad"
" don't be sad, but um I wanna talk to you"
" sure, we can talk about anything".
" so um why did your kill people"....
" well, after my mom died, it kind of made me go 'insane' and whenever someone pissed me off, I took extreme measures"
" is that why you killed your sister"?
" you looked at my files didn't you"?
" I just wanted to know more about you"
" no. I killed her cause she was gonna send me here"
" well maybe it was a good thing she sent you here"?
" and how is that curly"??
" cause you would have never meet me"
He lifted my chin and kissed me softly.
" curly I... Love..... Yo-"
Just as I was about to say those three words mr hood came in.
" Michael are you ready for breakfast "?
" um yea, I will see you tomorrow curly"
I just walked out with my head held down....

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