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On monday morning, i was casually waking past the lockers thinking this is the place all wierd things happen to me thats when i saw a girl was being pinned by Austin's gang, ther were 4 of them, the one who was standing with the girls bag was Robert, the one who was standing beside Robert was Sandy, and there was a freak named James.

And the one named Zac, i guess, was holding the girl against my locker, she was looking like she was going to cry, James had her shirts collar in his hand and was shouting something at her

" Why didn't you have my project done? " he shouted at her, firming the grip on her collar
" I had to do mine, and i ran out of time" she wimpered
" Now u r gonna have to pay the price" Zac growled, raising his fisted hands to hit the poor girl on the face

I don't like this, guys can't just take advantage of their power like this.
I walked towards them and grabbed Zac by his collar and jerked him away from the girl, making him stand face to face with me.

I was 5'9 and he was 6 feet, so an inch different didn't bothered me from glaring at him, he looked surprised by the sudden attack, and his look of angry turned into a confused one. He tried to jerk away my hand but that was of no use, cause my grip on things was way more stronger then his.
" What the fuck r u doing?" He asked, when he noticed he couldn't get out of my strong grip

"I should be the one to ask u this question, trying to harm a innocent girl r we?" I said raising an eyebrow and smirking at him

" That is none of your business "

" Yes it is, u r harming a girl, who u know wouldn't fight back cause she is scared of u all" i said, eyeing them all, who suddenly went silent and backed away a foot behind

" let go of my collar" he growled

" first apologise her for threatening her and promise her that u all - eyeing them all- will leave her alone." I said pulling him towards me and we started a stare down contest,
" am not saying that" he finally said, looking at the girl who was still standing, back pressed agaist the locker
" then i will drag u till the principal's office like this" i said pointing at the current situation we were in.
" u little bitch, u can't do it"
" first of all don't waste those words for me, i am called worse and i don't care, and the second thing is, i can drag u there" i said, as i started to drag him a little bit away from where we were standing, then he finally understood that I have got some strength in my beautiful body and said stop.
Then he paused for a moment to think all of this and then finally nodded at me, agreeing with my indirect deal.
" am sorry" he whispered
" sorry can't hear u, do u need a speaker for this?" i asked smirking at him
" u bitch i will deal with u later" he said looking angrily at me, but didn't cared
" As if i care" i said rolling my eyes," now say it" i demanded
" okay" he sighed, " am sorry" he said a little louder but rudely
" be polite" i ordered
" Am really sorry for shouting at u " he said in a little polite tone," good" i said as i let go of his collar and went towards the girl, who was shockingly watching all this with her mouth wide open
"It's okay " she whispered
" u run off to your next class, before u get into more trouble" i said, handing her her bag, she took it and rushed towards her class leaving me with Austin's gang staring at me
" whatcha lookin at" i asked turning towards them
" nothing " they said in union
" then move " i ordered them, they all went towards their classes except Zac, who was still glaring at me.
" now what?" I said annoyed,
" u r a badass girl i have ever met, but u r gonna pay for your little bravery act" he said, as he walked towards me and then suddenly grabbed me and slammed me to the a locker where he had the girl pinned, i grunted as a gush of pain rushed throught my back
" what the fucking hell do u think u r doing?" I shouted at him, while i was trying to remove my hands from his grip
" i am making u pay" he said, as he leaned towards my lips
" get away from me u jerk" i said,
i finally made his grip lose, as soon as my hands were free from his grip i punched him straight on his nose, blood started to come out of his nose.
He covered his bleeding nose with his hands and said
" u will pay for that u little bitch"
" will wait for it" i said, as i turned on my heels and walked to wards my next class,

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