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NICK P.O.V.: I sat on the bed and Joe sat across the bed.

Joe: speak now

Nick: I drunk too much, and I was a little high

Joe: why did you call me?

Nick: I was trying to talk with someone who could help me to not do the wrong thing

Joe: you did the wrong thing?

Nick: kinda

Joe: what happened?

Nick: I went to Demi's room and Lauren answered

Joe: what did you say to her?

Nick: I don't remember very well but I know I kind of asked her how did she win her heart, and I told her that I didn't want to live in this lie anymore

Joe: which lie Nick?

Nick: the lie of why I left her

Joe: you don't love Miley, I still don't get why are you with her

Nick: what are you talking about? Of course I love her

Joe: no, if you really loved her, you would've stayed here drunk and high...but you went to Demi. I can't understand it Nick, you always leave her alone and crying and just now that she's finally starting her life again, you there and mess up her life. Nick, why can't you see her happy?

Nick: I can see her happy but not without me. Don't you think it hurts to not have her in my life anymore?

Joe: you did nothing to have her back either way. I told you to do it and you just broke her

Nick: I don't know how to do it, I'm screaming for help right here and no one helps me to get her

Joe: no, you know what happens to you?

Nick: it's impossible that you know it. You don't know me anymore

Joe: you're with Miley cause she's pretty, she's someone you loved twice or something like that, she's giving you fun and attention and distracting your mind, she's not stopping you from smoking and drinking cause she's doing it too...you feel free with her, don't you?

Nick: I do, that's why I love-

Joe: you feel free but you're not. Your mind and heart are still in Demi, aren't they? You still feel like you can't live without her in your life, that's why you went last night to her room. You are afraid of losing her forever, that's why you keep coming to her, even to fight...you are not free with Miley, she just let's go ruin your life with things like drugs and alcohol and you like that. Because you'd be dead if you weren't consuming. It's either your drugs or Demi. And you're choosing drugs instead of someone who always helped you whenever you struggled, someone who would do anything for you, to keep you happy, to keep you healthy, to keep you alive...to keep you.

Nick: what do you expect me to do then?

Joe: grow some balls and go there. Find her and tell her everything Nick. You only live once and you're wasting your time trying to forget her and you won't. Cause she's Demi. Your Demi, right?

Nick: she's not mine (I whispered and he shook his head)

Joe: Nick, realize what you want and- no...you already know it, accept what you want and go there. She needs you, and you need her too. Don't lose her for your pride. Life's too short.

I Didn't Forget You ~ Nemi Where stories live. Discover now