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DEMI P.O.V.: I stayed almost 2 hours on the bathtub crying. I was disappointed with Lauren. Cause I thought that I could count on her when it comes to Nick.

When I got out of the bathtub I saw a note in the bed. I grabbed it and my heart ached a little when I read the message.

"Babe, I left the room so you can think properly about everything that's happening....I never meant to hurt you, I did it all trying to protect you from another broken heart. I wouldn't have done it if I didn't thought I was doing the right thing. I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me....you know how much I love you, you really do. Please be safe"

I felt a bad person for treating her like that. I dressed up as soon as possible and ran to find her in the hotel.

Demi: shit, where are you? (I said calling her hoping that she'd reply)

Sophie: boo, what's going on?

Demi: I can't find Lauren

Sophie: oh...I think I saw her on the bar maybe

Demi: thanks (I ran to the bar and it was empty) sorry

Barman: yea?

Demi: have you seen a girl, she's my height, tiny, big brown eyes and dark brown hair? She's wearing dark jeans and a red crop top

Barman: she just left the bar, she was almost drunk

Demi: oh shit, okay thanks

I was already hyperventilating running to the rooms, I was looking for her everywhere...I was desperate. I knocked on the door of my floor and suddenly, she was there....but I would've preferred not to find her.

X: yea? (A blonde haired girl asked to me after opening the door. She was wearing black lace)

Demi: have you seen a girl with brown hair and-

X: baby, come here (I heard a way too happy voice said)

Demi: excuse me (I pushed the girl and entered the room)

X: hey, what are you doing? This is my room...leave

Demi: I can't believe it (I said with tears in my eyes when I found her in bed naked under the covers) you really don't love me like you say you do! (She looked at me with surprise)

Lauren: Demi? What are you doing here, love?

Demi: you cheated on me. I've been looking for you to say I'm sorry. I've been trying to find you in all the bedrooms...I was feeling sad cause I thought you were right. I thought you did everything cause you loved me enough to protect me from anything...but here I found you, drunk and in bed with another woman (I sad before starting sobbing)

Lauren: Demi, baby...come here. This is a mistake...I'm sorry, I'm drunk

Demi: I know you are...but even drunk, I would never cheat on someone I "really love". And you did. We're done...forever (I saw her eyes get wet as she tried to held my hand but I left the room)

I felt like someone was hitting me with a knife in my back. I was dying inside out...I felt like nobody truly loved me. I was crying on my door sitting on the floor when she walked to me.

Denise: sweetheart, what happened?

Demi: just a stupid broken heart...another (I sighed and she held my hand helping me stand up)

Denise: oh, come here please (she hugged me and I started sobbing again)

Demi: I'm sorry. I probably look ridiculous but it hurts

Denise: it's good to feel pain sometimes, it reminds us that we're still alive...and that we're humans

Demi: I feel so stupid Denise (she shook her head)

Denise: you're not stupid sweetie, it just wasn't meant to be

Demi: but I caused my own pain loving someone that didn't love me with the same intensity I do

Denise: you aren't stupid then...you were loving and giving your all. And that's what really matters. Maybe it didn't work out like you wanted to...but you learnt, and believe me angel...it's her loss, not yours. You're amazing and deserve all the happiness of the world.

Demi: thank you (she dried .y tears)

Denise: stop crying now sweetie, everything's gonna be alright, this is not the end...you're still alive and that means you can change your life, you're young and beautiful...you can do anything. Okay? I need to see your beautiful smile again, I kinda miss it (I chuckled and she smiled big) there...I like to see you happy

Demi: thank you so much (I hugged her) you've always been like another mom to me and I'm forever grateful for it.

Denise: you're like a daughter to me Demi, the daughter I didn't get to have...and I'm always gonna be here to dry your tears and hug you whenever you need it...specially when your mom's not around. I love you angel, you're truly a part of ny heart

Demi: you're for me too (she kissed my forehead)

Denise: wanna come with me to the spa? I feel like you could use some relaxing time

Demi: I definitely could (she smiled and I smiled back at her as we started walking hand in hand to the spa)

I Didn't Forget You ~ Nemi Where stories live. Discover now