Kissing ... Wait ?? ... WHAT ?!?!

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 Hello My Lovleys !! I have finally updated ..... yeah so I have a favour for y'all to do !! If you have a instagram go follow xluvs1d , it would make her day and mine too !! xoxoxox


    I opened my eyes to darkness . I guess the storm has not passed . I slipped out of the grasp of Louis . I guess I fell asleep last night . I yawned really big and stretched my long limbs . Then I heard something downstairs .

" LOU ! " I screeched

" What babe " Butterfly's erupted in my stomach when he called me babe and yes I do have a crush on him . Ever since the janitor incident .

" I heard something downstairs " I hid my head in his shoulder as he stroked my hair soothingly . He pushed me off gently and got up . His lips made brief contact with my for head as he left . I watched as he carefully entered the middle of the mall . I crossed my fingers , hoping that no one was out there . Then Louis came running back in and closed the doors locking them .

"  What ? " I asked

" Some one is out there , he doesn't look like any of the boys " His hands were all shaky and he stuttered on his words a little bit . I wanted to feel his lips on mine . I cupped both of my hands around his face and connected my lips with his . The kiss deepened fairly quickly . His tongue grazed my bottom lip and I didn't deny entry . Suddenly the lights flipped on .

" Naughty , naughty children " I pulled away from Louis instantly . I moved back from Louis as far as I could go to get away . Harry stood at the door way watching the scene unroll before him . Harry made so much commotion that the other boys eyes fluttered open . Really Harry ?!?!

" Whats all the commotion ? " Niall asked with his eyes still closed . He cuddled up to Liam . I swear if they did not have girlfriends , I would think that they were gay .

" These naughty children were snogging " Harry chuckled . All eyes were on me and Louis I looked down and blushed . I am regretting doing it now not because I didn't like it . Trust  me I did , it was just I got caught ... I felt their eyes on me , burning holes . I met my eyes with Lou and he was already staring at me . A smile crept on my face as I was trying to hold back giggles . His crystal blue eyes were like the ocean right before sun rise . The calm before the storm . I could stare at them for days , hours , minutes . They were mesmerising .

--- Louis POV ----

" LOU ! " I jumped up startled . I rubbed my eyes and looked over to see Parker . She looked scared out of her Witt's .

" What babe " I saw a blush come upon her face once that left my lips .

" I heard something outside " I hugged her while stroking her long hair . I gently moved her aside . As much as I didn't want to go out there . I had to I had to show her that I am not weak . If you get what I mean ..... If you didn't ... I just have to show up Harry . I entered the center of the mall , sliding my feet across the floor to avoid making a lot of noise . I hugged myself , it probably has dropped 40 degrees out here . I turned around in all directions for the noise she heard . My eyes made contact with a dark hooded figure . He turned around in the nick if time to make eye contact with me . I ran as fast as my feet could carry me back to the store . I flipped the lock and pulled the curtains down .

" Someone is out there , and it is not one of the boys " I felt her warm , gentle hands cup my face . I stared into her hazel eyes before our lips made contact . The kiss got deeper and deeper . Until the light switched on and there Harry stood ruining the moment . Parker parted and moved to the edge of the room .

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