FairyTales? * WARNING SAPPY *

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Parker's POV

Shit, my head was pounding from the light right above my head.

" Parker? " I turned my head to see Louis. He looked stressed, his perfect eyes were puffy from crying.

" Lou, what's wrong? " A pain shot through my lungs, traveling through my neck. His eyes widened, along his hand gripping mine tighter


" Oh my- your awake. I'm so sorry, I cant believe what I did? I just- I'm sorry " A single tear ran down his face. Showing that he truly was sorry. About what?

" What are you sorry about? " I was so confused, is he pulling my leg.

" We had a fight, remember? " He furrowed his brows together. Then, it came back. In movie clips, from the beginning to the cold floor meet my face. I nodded my head, trying my best to look around the room. Harry sat on the other side of the bed, I caught a slight glimpse of him. Before he pulled me into a bear hug.

" Harry, I was only asleep for an hour or so " I giggled.

" Yes, but you left me with them " He looked at each of the boys and grunted in disgust. I laughed again.

" Can I talk to Parker, alone? " Louis sighed. Not again, wanted to argue. Go argue with a brick wall.

" What? " I groaned. He looked a little hurt but brushed it off.

" I know, I am stupid, a dick, cunt, anything in the book. But I run from my feelings, always have. This time, I have no were to run. I have fallen in love with you. And I am not afraid to admit it now. Parker, it would mean the world if you took me back, please? " He grabbed my hand. Staring me down with puppy dogs eyes.

" You forgot to mention bastard, I'm just pulling your leg. Lou, I don't know. " I shrugged. His face dropped,

" Maybe this will change your mind " He leaned in closer, me naturally leaned in too. I didn't even fase me that I about to kiss Louis.

His lips met mine, and the sparks flew. Butterfly's going crazy, feeling after a loopty loop on a roller coaster.

No, you can't- never mind forgot what I was going to say.

I pulled away, searching for air.

" Did that change your mind? " He smiled sincerely at me. I nodded my head, reconnecting our lips. It was like the first kiss all over again. " So whatcha say, do over? " He whispered in my ear.

" Yes " I kissed his cheek, and laid back down to get some rest. The last thing I remembered was the three words that I have been dying to hear.

I love you.

I fluttered my eyes open, finding myself in my bed back at the hotel. I groaned making a un-human like turning on my side. Nearly leaving my skin on the bed, from the thunder roaring in the distant. (A/N it is an expression) I jumped nearly 10 feet in the air, running down stairs in one motion. Like Scooby Doo.

All the boys were sitting around the marble coffee table in the living room, watching The Simpson's. They looked at me like I was a mad man.

" Did you hear that? " Thunder boomed shaking the room once more. Louis laughed at me, beckoning me over to him. I sat down beside him, curling into his arms.

" Is someone scared a a little thunder storm? " He chuckled, nearly above a whisper.

" Er, no. " My voice screeched.

" It's okay, I've got you. " He kissed me on the head. It took me a minute or two but I eventually calmed down to go to sleep. " I love you Parker "

I was wide awake now.

" I- I love you too, Louis " I gently placed a peck on his pink lips. But pulled away when thunder shook the house.

" Babe clam down " He rocked me back and forth. Lingering his lips on my head. I closed my eyes enjoying the moment while it lasted.

" So, you guys a thing now? " Harry winked at me.

" Yeah we are " I looked into his blue piercing eyes, smoothing my hand across his toned stomach. The group awed in unison. Making my cheeks tint a bright pink.


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