The Hospital... Around Christmas.

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    " Harry can you help me? " I asked when Harry passed me in the hall. He turned around and followed me to the attic. I went up the stairs and I kinda almost missed the step. Harry's hand helped me up.

" Hand. Off. Arse. " I laughed down at Harry. He just chuckled and removed his hand. I finally reached the hot attic. I went straight to the back were the Christmas stuff usually was. Many boxes packed ceiling high. I took the first one and pushed it down to Harry. Harry took it down with ease.

Once we got all of them down, the decorating started. The tree was easy to get up and know for my favorite part.

I grabbed the lights and strung them neatly around the tree along with the garlon. Harry pushed my up to reach the top so I could put the star on. I was so happy with me and Harry's work. He ran to turn off the light and the tree just lighted up the room. I squealed with excitement.


There was so many things I love about Christmas but my favorite has to be spending it with my friends.

Sappy, right?

Harry slowly shifted under me my head bopped up and down by his movement. Louis glanced over at me, might I say more than once.

" What is your problem Lou?" Everybody turned to him. He looked down and then back up, his blue eyes shining glint from the tree.

" Can I talk to Parker, alone? " Harry along with the other boys got up leaving me cold. I looked over at Lou who was fumbling with his fingers.

" What? " I sighed.

" Do you still like me? " He didn't even bother to make eye contact with me.

" Where and the bloody hell did that come from " I shot back refusing to answer. My breathe was getting caught in my throat but I shrugged it off.

" Do you?!?! "

" I don't know " I stood up seeing if my breathing would get back to normal. In and out. It was getting harder with every breathe I took.

" How do you not know! " His voice rising with every word.

" Louis, please not know " That sentence was so hard to say. My breathe got heavier and heavier. Until I couldn't breathe at all. This cant be happening, not know at least. I started to panic which was only making it worse.

" Why cant we, you wanted to know what was wrong " Sass in his voice. His back was facing me making it harder to get his attention. The tears started to pour like a water-fall. My body came crashing to the floor and everything went black.

- Louis POV -

I heard her fragile body hit the floor.

What in the bloody hell?!?! Parker's face was turning to a glint of purple. I sat down and  was by her checking for her breathing- nothing. I picked up her light body and ran out of the house.

The boys followed and got her all set in the car. I sped down the interstate to the hospital.


Right now she was in the emergency room. Jesus Christ what have I done?!? It is all my fault, I know her and Harry are not dating but I just want her back. Maybe I just got a little over dramatic.

" You guys here for Parker Woods " A nurse wearing a white dress barely above her knees, came along with a clipboard.

" Yes " I stood up a little too fast. I followed the nurse to room 476, oh lord I hope she is okay.

I walked into the room with two bed's on either side, the walls painted a light grey. There she was, looking as if the life was sucked out of her. A breathing tube was in her nose, while a breathing mask covered most of her face.

" You boys saved her life " The nurse stood in wonder.

" What exactly happened? " She looked kinda shocked at my question.

" She didn't tell you, she should of. I mean in her case it's life threatening- Get to the point lady. " She has asthma, and something cut off in her lungs, to were she couldn't breathe "

I cut her off from saying anymore. " Will she be okay? "

" She will be fine but she cant do any running or anything that could take a lot of air.And for the moment she is in deep sleep. I must go " Her beeper went off.

I scooped up Parker's hand and gently set my lips on the surface. " Wake up babe, I am so sorry. I just was missing you and I know that it is happening way to fast but I am ready. Just please wake up "

" Wake up Parker, he is spilling his feelings " Harry chuckled from the other side of the bed. You could see her eyes move. Then her eyelids flutter she was awake.


I know it is really, really short. But next one will be longer and it will be Christmas!!!

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