Chapter 21

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Hey guys!! Remember this story??
Well it took you long enough to complete the desired votes!
Here is your update 😊

The weather was calm , cool breeze was blowing , a girl removed the curtains of her window and looked out. The bright light of the sun warmth her body.

She went towards the bed and kissed the boy sleeping there.
When she was about to go , the boy pulled her and she landed on him.

N- Kartik you were awake??

Kartik smirked

N- Uurgghh why do I always fall for your innocent sleeping looks

K- Because You love me

N- No I don't 😝

After sometime

Both were ready to go to office.

Naira took out her phone and saw a photo and a tear came out from her eyes , Kartik saw this and immediately took her into a hug

K- Naira please don't cry

N- No I'm not , I'm just missing her

K- Akshara aunty will be missing you too

N- I know , she helped me a lot

Both smiled and remembered that how their parents helped them to runaway.


They came to , Sacramento , California , US. Kartik and Naira rented a small apartment from the money they have and took a job in a company. They got promoted really fast because of there experience and hardwork , so after a year they bought a house and got married (like they got married in Greece)

It's been 3 years since they left India.

They never contacted there parents because of Manish or he will know that they helped them to runaway

Flashback Ends

K- C'mon let's go , we're getting late.

N- Yup!!

So how's it??
I know it's short , don't worry I'll compensate in the next update.
Please vote and comment.


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