1 - Nineteen

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Authors note:
I'm missing writing about Draco and Rosie so much that I've decided to write a sort of sequel - following their return to Hogwarts to complete their education. I hope it works and doesn't take too much away from Muddy Green Waters, a story which I absolutely adored writing with a passion. Anyway, enjoy!

Late edit: Cover change - Thank you to BAH_DessertPotter for creating and designing the cover!



"Darling, I'm just so nervous about letting you go back there."

Mum was helping me to pack the last of my things into my trunk. I stopped to give her a fierce hug.

"It'll be OK Mum, I promise. The war is over now."

After Draco had returned back to me after the war, the first thing we did was get my parents back home. We managed to find them in Australia and return their memories. They were obviously horrified when they had learnt about everything that had happened.

The truth was I was nervous about going back. So much had happened in the past two years since I'd been there, it seemed almost unnatural to step back into student mode. Yet I needed to complete my education if I wanted a decent career.

I was looking forward to seeing Draco again, though. After bringing my parents home, I moved back in with them. It was difficult not being with Draco but he insisted I spent the summer having quality time with my parents. Draco went to stay with his now ailing mother who had returned to Malfoy Manor after his father had handed himself in.

I missed him a lot but we kept in touch. Being away from him made me feel nervous after everything we had been through. But I knew, this time, that we would always come back to each other.

And now we were about to go back to Hogwarts.


As I stepped onto platform nine and three quarters, the first thing I saw was a family of red heads.

"Rosie!" Molly cried, pulling me into her fierce embrace. "It's so good to see you my dear."

My heart filled with warmth at the familiarity of her hug.

"I'm sorry, Molly. I should have visited more often over the summer," I said, kissing her on the cheek.

"Nonsense, my dear! It was important to spend time with your parents, you missed out on so much time together," she said, a tinge of sadness in her voice.

"Pah - pathetic excuse! You should have definitely visited more often!"

"Fred!" I said squealing with delight as I threw my arms around him.

"It's good to see you looking so happy, Rosie," he said, enveloping me in a bear hug.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the shop?"

"I thought I'd take the morning off to wave all you suckers goodbye," he said grinning. "I can't believe you're all actually going back there."

"It's going to be strange, but I need an education if I want to do anything with my life," I sighed. Once they had reopened school, McGonagall invited us all back to repeat the final year. Even those who had attended during Snape's reign.

As a result, Hogwarts was going to be very busy this year. That was apparent from the mad bustle on the platform. I couldn't help but glance around, trying to catch sight of white-blonde hair.

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