10 - The Impossible Task

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Draco stood in front of the modest three bedroom semi-detached house and rang the doorbell.

He tried to push down the bag of nerves that was starting to rise in his stomach. It was daft, really - he had been here before, after all.

Never without Rosie, though.

He took a deep breath as he heard footsteps approaching from inside.

The door opened and a man with greying dark hair answered. His blue eyes twinkled in recognition as they took in the unexpected visitor.

"Draco, my boy!" His voice was hearty and jovial as he warmly greeted Draco with an enthusiastic handshake. "What brings you here? Rosie didn't mention you were coming."

Draco cleared his throat feeling slightly embarrassed. "She uh- she doesn't know I'm here."

A look of surprise flitted across the mans eyes, but he didn't say anything, instead, stood back gesturing for Draco to enter. "Do come on in, we've just filled the pot."

"Thank you, Dr. Carter," Draco nodded as he wiped his feet on the welcome mat.

"Please, enough of the formalities. It's Karl to you."

Draco followed him through to the kitchen where a kindly looking woman sat at the table, her dark hair tied in a lose bun, cheeks rosy red and kind warm eyes.

"Draco, dear!" She beamed up at him. "Do sit down, I'll pour you a cup of tea."

"That's very kind of you, Susan." Draco said as he awkwardly took a seat at the table.

"So, how's our Rosie doing?" Karl asked, sitting down opposite him.

"Well, that's what I've come about," Draco shifted on the chair. It wasn't Rosie's parents who were making him feel uncomfortable- it was the question he was about to ask them.

They both looked at him expectantly. They clearly loved their daughter very much and Draco was keen to show them that he wanted to do right by Rosie. Including this.

He cleared his throat.

"I wanted to ask for your permission to marry her."



"Is everything OK, Draco?"

We were sat at the Slytherin table eating our dinner and I noticed he had been awfully quiet since I returned from Hogsmeade with Ginny.

He blinked, seeming to shake himself out of his thoughts. "Yes. Yes, I, uh- so, did you have a nice time in Hogsmeade?"

"Draco, you've already asked me that," I laughed. "And you're acting strange. Somethings up. I know you."

I narrowed my eyes at him as I took a mouthful of chicken. He shrugged his shoulders, refusing to meet my eye.

"I don't know what you're going on about, Rosie. Everything's fine."

Something was definitely on his mind.


He wasn't much better the next day. It was a Sunday and as we made our way down to breakfast he seemed rather on edge.

"Rosie?" his voice was soft, hesitant even, as he slowed down.

"Yes, Draco?" I asked, cocking a questioning eyebrow at him.

"Would you- would you like to go for lunch in Hogsmeade today?"

"Um - yes... sure," I laughed, wondering why he was acting so nervous.

Crystal Clear - (A 'Muddy Green Waters' sequel) || Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now