2 - A Slytherin Return

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Draco saw the approaching castle out of the window. He shifted slightly, making the sleeping Slytherin stir in his lap.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty," He whispered, hoarsely in her ear. "We're here."

A soft groan left her lips as her eyelids fluttered opened.

"Where? What? Is breakfast ready?"

Draco chuckled softly as he leant forward, lovingly pecking his lips upon her forehead.

"No, not breakfast Rosie. But if we don't get off the train in time, we'll miss the start of year feast."

Rosie sat up, blinking, taking in her surroundings.

"Oh, sorry! How long was I asleep for?" She asked, stretching her arms out and jutting her chest out, causing a stirring in Draco's loins.

"A couple of hours, I didn't want to wake you. You looked so peaceful." He smirked, as a slight blush crept to her cheeks.

Not long later, they stepped out into the platform, the brisk night air hitting them. Draco noticed Rosie shiver as she wrapped her Slytherin robes around her. He wondered if it was the cold that was making her shiver - or something else.

He took her hand and smiled reassuringly at her. "Come on, let's go and find a coach."

Rosie flinched as they approached the line of coaches, each one attached to a dark winged skeletal horse. Draco had forgot that she hadn't attended Hogwarts in their final year, and so this would be the first time she had seen the monstrous beasts pulling the coaches. In fact, he thought, looking at the horrified faces of the other students, this would be the first time a lot of them saw the Thestrals.

Draco found an empty coach and, throwing their trunks in first, held the door open for Rosie.

"Your carriage awaits, Madam," he bowed dramatically, sweeping his arm.

Rosie just looked at him, aghast.

"What? I'm being a gentleman!" He laughed.

"I don't like it," Rosie said, ignoring the offer of his hand to help her in. "I'm not used to you being this nice, especially here."

She clambered in, Draco following.

"Well get used to it," he said, his eyes glinting in the darkness. "Because I want to look after you, Rosie."

He went in to kiss her, when the coach door suddenly burst open, making him jump back with a start.

A small groan escaped his lips as Pansy Parkinson and Theodore Nott climbed in.

"Don't sulk, Draco," Pansy sneered. "There's no other carriages free, so you'll have to excuse us for interrupting your little love in."

Her eyes roamed over Rosie, and Draco noted the look of sheer disgust in them. He placed his arm around her protectively, sneering back at Pansy.

"I always knew you had a thing for that," Theo snarled, jabbing his finger towards Rosie. "Like it dirty, don't you, Malfoy?"

Draco's hands clenched immediately and Rosie looked up at him, shaking her head ever so slightly. He couldn't understand why she was being so calm. They were treating her like dirt.

And then it suddenly occurred to him that she had experienced years of this already. From them. From him.

Ashamed didn't even come close to how he felt.

"Why are they even letting you back here, anyway?" Draco snapped at Theo.

"I could ask the same question about you, Malfoy." Theo's eyes narrowed. "I seem to remember I wasn't the only one running around in a Death Eater cloak. In fact, I learnt a lot from yours truly, didn't I?"

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