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We were travelling through space at lightspeed, on route to starbase sixty-five. I was in my office, waiting for my friends to report to me because I had some urgent news. Pacing back and forth, I was feeling anxious.

It was early, and my friends had just got out of bed. They rushed to get washed and dressed, but eventually they showed up. However, Tom was late as usual. We waited impatiently, especially me. I checked the clock several times. Why did he always have to keep me waiting?

At last Tom showed up but collapsed onto the floor as he walked through the door. We gathered round to see if he was alright. It turned out Tom was hungover, much to my annoyance. He had a bad habit of doing this at the worst time.

Gathered in the briefing room, I explained my reasons for calling everyone in so early. I had just been informed that we'll be picking up Dean Weatherstone from starbase sixty-five on an inspection of the ship and crew. So, I wanted to make absolutely sure that nobody does anything to reflect badly on Weatherstone.

I hoped everyone was clear on what I was saying, especially Tom. He was hungover so badly that he had to be held up right. He groaned in agony.

We were all worried about meeting Dean Weatherstone, but none of us were as worried as Max. From what he knew she was trouble if any cadet reflected badly on her. Many who had fallen victim to her were never seen or heard from again.

We all agreed that we we're in serious trouble, especially when one of my crewmembers were hungover. Dean Weatherstone wasn't going to be too impressed if she saw Tom in this state. We were going to have to hide him.

However, Tom wasn't the only problem we needed to solve. The Enterprise needed to be in shipshape. Certain areas, including the bridge, were littered with magazines, comics, music, rubbish, toys, and games. The sort of pigsty that would no doubt get everyone aboard expelled.

For the next one and a half hours, we worked around the clock cleaning the ship before we picked up Dean Weatherstone.

Jennifer and I helped tidy away all the stuff that wasn't regulated to be on the bridge. We packed all our comics and toys in boxes and hid them away. Stevie dusted and polished each computer station nonstop, even while some were still working. She even accidentally polished 5.

We were now only minutes away from starbase sixty-five. The Enterprise was now looking like a proper starship.

I went to sickbay to see how Tom was doing. Ali had been effortlessly trying to help him recover from his hangover. She gave him numerous medications and made him drink lots of coffee. Unfortunately, nothing seemed to work.

Then the bridge informed me we were approaching starbase sixty-five. I ordered them to commence docking procedures and left sickbay in a hurry, leaving Ali to hide Tom.

After docking, we gathered at the airlock to greet the Admiral. The private sounded the boatswain whistle as Dean Weatherstone came aboard, accompanied by her assistant.

Jennifer and I saluted the Dean and welcomed her, only to be told to spare the pleasantries.

"I'm on a tight schedule so let's get on with the inspection."

Weatherstone noticed that the chief medical officer wasn't present to greet her. I explained that Ali was called away to attend a crewmember who had been sick for the last few days.

Weatherstone looked at me as if she could see through my lies. However, it wasn't so far from the truth. Then after giving her assistant one look he wrote down some notes. This made us worry and did our best not to show it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2019 ⏰

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