Chapter 8

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I open the door and I see taylor.
Taylors there, right in front of me, the man I don't want to see right now.
he must have misses school because it would have been second period. I have the courage to push out a hi.
"Im so sorry hanna, I saw it on the news and there talking about it at school" he said. "Oh my god.." I say with a hand over my forehead. Taylor leans in to hug me and I hung him back because I really need some one right now. I don't even care if it's taylor the person I don't want to see. I just need to hug someone. We hug for a long minute until he says "is there anything I can do to help?" "I just need to be with someone right now" I say starting to cry. "Oh I will always be here hanna " he says hugging me.

We later go inside and I go up stairs and see ivy. She's in my room playing with my big hair clips. I let out a small laugh. I stand there at the door way admiring how im am going to be talking care of her. All on my own. I start to tear up until taylor walks up behind me. I wipe the tears off and say "is anything wrong?"
"No uh this actually just cam" he said pointing to a huge bouquet of flowers with cross in the middle and words at the bottom saying "God bless". I open the card and it's from my aunt and uncle Joan and Steave. They live in Florida I haven't seen them in years and ivy never even meat them . I guess my mom has been keeping in touch with them.( moms sister). I ask taylor if he can put them down stairs. When he goes down the huge stair case I go up to ivy and say " let's get you in some slouch clothes because today we're going to be watching Disney movies."
"Really!" She yells in exciment.
"Yah we are, what do you think about Cinderella?"
"I wanna watch Ella !" She says
I put her in some pink tights and a shirt that says "im spoiled" . We go down stairs and I put pop corn in the microwave for 3 minutes. While that's cooking I turn on the 70 inch tv and put Netflix on. I go to Cinderella and hit play. I tell taylor that I'm going up stairs. He's sitting of the couch watching Cinderella with ivy. Before I go up stairs I get the popcorn out and out butter in it and dump it in a bowl. "Help your self to anything " I say to taylor handing ivy the popcorn. "Ok thanks" he says

I decided that I pm not going to school because, well my parents just died. I went into my art room and started thinking why the hell did this fucking happen to me? I started crying and I filled up with anger and sorrow. My temper got the best of me and I started throwing paint cans every where. Yelling "why me! Why me!" I threw my paint brushes and broke my pictures on the wall I painted.

* ivy and taylor down stairs, hanna still yelling *
"Is sissy ok" ivy says to taylor
"She will be... It's just going to take time" taylor says rubbing Ives back

*back up stairs with hanna yelling*
I throw open paint cans at the white wall. Making a big mes.
I stop yelling and throwing things. I start sobbing and cover my face with my hands.
*sobbs for 5 minutes * *stops crying* *sniffs*
"What am I going to do mom" I say looking up at the ceiling. Trying to talk to her.
"Well I can tell you what you are going to do and that's clean up this art room" my moms spirit says in front of me.
"Mom" I say suprised
"Hanna im so sorry..." My mom sprit says
"Mom I miss you. How can I raise my sister and my self?"
"Honey I miss you too amped im soo sorry that I couldn't do much to raise ivy. I now see how much you did for me. And I want to say thank you for all you did. And what you are willing to do."
"What do you mean" I say.
"You know deep inside that you could have given ivy to nanna and papa but your raising her your self"
"Ivy can't lose me im all she has"
"I know " I'm moms sprit says.
"Mom how am I going to do this?"
"Raise you sister and your self. And keep up with school work?"
"Well I can just tell you that your dad and I are always going to be looking after you and ivy. And we have built a savings bond for you and ivy since you guys we born. Also our bank accounts has money to pay for they cars,school, food, and the house for at least 20 years . So you guys are going to be okay. And I can already tell you that the family is going to help with everything. Honey your going to be okay. *she says touching Hannas face* everything's going to be okay. You have the family and most importantly you have taylor"
*i look up at her*
"Honey He's going to stay and be here for you I can see it"
"Really, because I messed up bad yesterday "
"Phones he's going to be here and I'll tell you what those bullies aren't going to be billing you not even talking to you anymore. They left. They only came here on vacation."
"But why were they at the school" I said.
"You know them they wanted to see if they can get cute boys to chase after them , but it didn't happen"
I laughed.
"Thank you mom"
" your welcome honey. But I want you to promise me something "
" yeah sure what is it"
"Give taylor a second chance..."
"Okay ... I will try"
"And another thing. Please don't cut anymore and please start painting again once you fix up your art studio"
" okay I won't cut and I will start paint again"
"Bye sweetheart I love you "
" by mom I love you too"
She them disappeared
I cleaned up the art room and threw away the things I broke. I would drive to get white pant later.
I decided to take a bath and just relax.
I go into my room and into my bathroom. My bathroom is big like my parents bathroom. The bathtub is in the middle of the room and the shower Is in the connor. The towels are by the shower so I go into the closet and grab two. The sink is at the other end of the bathroom with the toliet. There is a hot tub across the floor looking in the door wAy. I go into the soap closet and grab bath salts and bubbles. I run the water the and turn it off because it's full. I put the sea salts in and bubbles and mix them with my hand. I take off my makeup and my hat. I take off my shoes and pull off my top them pants and them bra and underwear. I put relaxing music on before I got in. I put my hair in a bun and closed my eyes for 10 minutes until I hear my music stop. I look by the door and I see taylor. I look at him and then close my eyes. He walks over to me ands says "your so beautiful". He kneels down and puts his hand on my face. I look at him and we both look into each other's eyes.
He leans in to kiss me. I kiss him back and we start to makeout. I stop him and I say
" I'm sorry for what I said yesterday"
He looks at me and says " it's fine I shouldn't have gotten in your business"
"But you weren't " I say "I should have told you that those were the girls. I apologize for that"
"I accept " he says.
I smile and kiss him again.
He says "but I meant what I said"
"That I love you"
I stare at him and smile and kiss him. "I love you too "
"Taylor looks back at me and says so does that mean we're dating again"
"I guess it does I say" with a smile
Taylor leaves me so I can get up and change but when I walked into my room to change I see him on the bed waiting.
"What are you doing" I ask him
"I just go you back and now I can stay away from you" he says standing up coming closer to me.
We kiss for a while until I tell him I need to get dressed
"Okay I'll turn around " he says
I slip blue boyshort underwear on under my towel and turn around so that my back is facing taylor when I put on my bra. I picked a blue and white heart bra and dropped my towel. I slipped the buckle on but just in time when I had my bra on but before I got the straps on taylor comes up from behind and wraps his hand around my waist and kisses my neck saying "are you dressed yet".
I smile saying no. And put the straps on when he's still kissing my neck. It feels like he's attached to me because he's not letting go. I try to get black legging from my closet and tried to put them on. I finally get them on and waddle to get a shirt i pick a white long sleeve crop top with the number 07 on the back. I get my fuzzy socks and put them on. I say
"Taylor you just need to let go for one minute so I can brush my hair"
"Ugh that's going to be forever" he jokes
While brushing my hair I see him bend down and kiss my torso. He makes butterfly's grow in my stomach. I struggle to brush my hair. I finally get finished and put it up in a messy bun. Taylor comes up and says
"Can I have you back yet"
And then he starts kissing by neck again.
I eventually have to say
"Taylor you need to stop I need to go see ivy"
" ok. Rain check?"
"Sure" I say with a smile

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