Chapter 4

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In the morning I weak up and I'm in one of his shirts. I quickly check if I wearing my underwear and bra. My underwear is on but my bra isn't. I check to see where my clothes are without getting out of bed. I try to look if there under the bed when I notice Taylor isn't in the room. But I notice the door in Taylor's room leading to the bathroom is open so I get up and walk to the bathroom. But I get mooned by Taylor's white ass. " oh my gosh I'm so sorry" I say backing our of the bathroom. " oh it's fine" he says putting on his underwear. " you can go in the shower if you want I just took one" he says. " no it's fine I'm just going to get dressed, but do you know where my clothes are?" I say. "Yah I moved them last night to on the chair." "Okay thanks " I say. "No problem " he says. " oh by the way did we like ... You know -". He cuts me off by saying "no we didn't I just gave you one of my shirts because you said you didn't want to sleep in shorts but you took off your bra my yourself" he said laughing. "What?" I say. " no it's just that I just met you and your already talking off your bra for me" he says still laughing. " it wasn't for you it was for me to get confertable" I say with a smile . He just goes and finishes getting ready and I get back in my clothes from yesterday. "Thanks for having me but I should get home so I'm going to go" I say. " let me drive you" he says. " okay thank you" I say. " your welcome and I thought were going to our movie ." " oh I totally forgot" I say. So were at my house and I say "you can come in and sit and watch tv" I say. My parents weren't home there were on another business trip and dropped my sister off at there friends to baby sit. "Nah I'm okay I'll just sit" he says. " okay let me take a quick shower and let me get dressed." "Okay " he says. I get out of the shower and blow dry my hair then straighten it. I put on a light blue dress that's fitted in the torso and the rest lose. It also matches my toes and nails. I put black sandals and a neckless that has a bird on it. Then I quickly put on perfume and deodorant and put my hair in a little clip. I go down stairs and say "ready to go?". "Wow you look beautiful " he says. I laugh and say " thanks" then walk out to the car and Taylor follows. We saw the movie if I go (it's not out but I jut said it anyway because it's a cute movie) and it was so good. We then drove to this Italian restaurant it was so nice looking and the food was amazing until I saw the girls that bullied me at my other school. All I could think about was why are they her in Indiana. Then Taylor sees me staring and says something...

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