Pink Goes To McDonald's

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"Alright Spinel, sit tight for a few, okay?" Pink said to Spinel. "Where ya goin' Pink?" She asked with a smile.

"To McDonald's! I'm getting you a happy meal," Pink replied with a smile. Spinel gasped. 

"Yay!" She cheered, spinning around in a circle. "Thank you so much, Pink!"

"I thought that after I've been so moody this week because of this colony stuff, you deserved a treat." Pink chuckled, ruffling her hair. "I won't be long."

"Aw, gee, thanks, Pink!" Spinel cried happily, bouncing with joy and anticipation. 

Pink smiled warmly, and went to the warp pad, warping to a conveniently placed warp pad right outside of McDonald's.

She walked inside, and holy cannoli, the place was packed. The line must've been 6,000 years long! But that was probably just an exaggeration.

So, Pink readied her purse, and got in line, waiting patiently for her turn.


What the heck? What, did that cow up in front order the whole restaurant? Spinel must've been waiting for a long time by now!

"This better be the best happy meal they ever make," Pink murmured to herself. "Poor Spinel..."


This was getting ridiculous, and Pink's legs were starting to hurt from standing in this stupid line. She groaned in annoyance, and peered to the front of the line.

Finally, the fat lady was done ordering! Everything should've gone smoothly from there.

Pink readied her purse again, and waited.


Why was this taking so long? Even though the line was really long, it couldn't be that long, right?

"I'm sorry, Spinel, there's still so many people to go." Pink sighed to herself. "Stupid McDonald's line."


Pink was done with this place. She just wanted to get Spinel's happy meal, and leave. Heck, she'd even pay if they served everybody else quick enough!

"This is ridiculous," Pink growled. "I bet if they knew who I am, they'd go faster..."


There were approximately 89,473,296,375 atoms of dust collecting on her face. 

Pink hadn't blinked, for fear that if she did the line would clear up and more people would get in the empty gap standing between her and the register.

12 pictures on the wall, one of them broken, one of them crooked. 

23 booths with seats, 7 ripped, 10 infested with roaches. 

3 people behind the counter, 1 with a cold, and 1 that was sarcastic and sassy.

Pink was ready to just push everybody out of the way, march up to that counter, and demand a happy meal. But she didn't.

"I should..." She mumbled to herself.

But she didn't.




That sarcastic employee was fired. Good riddance, she didn't want her touching Spinel's meal.


Crap. She hoped that Spinel was faring okay by herself...


How was this McDonald's still open after all this time? Pink didn't know, and didn't want to know. She just wanted to get Spinel's meal.


Why. Why. Why. Why. Why.


Pink could hardly manage a coherent thought at this point. All that she could clearly think of was Spinel, and her happy meal.


It was official, the McDonald's was closing in a year. This woke Pink up from her deathlike trance. She fidgeted nervously.

Would this line be clear by then?


It was magical. Surreal, even. The line finally cleared up. 

Pink thought that she would be angry that she and Spinel had to wait all this time for a happy meal, but she was actually more happy that she could finally go home to her.

She approached the register with a big grin on her face. "A happy meal, please. The toy's for a girl, and she'd like an apple juice." Pink spoke politely.

She always knew what Spinel wanted, even though it'd been 6,004 years since she'd eaten a happy meal. She hoped it wouldn't be the last time.

"Right away, m'am." The employee replied, going to tell the others her order.

In 3 minutes, they handed her the warm meal. "Thank you." She said with a smile, walking out of the restaurant.

"Uh, m'am? You gotta pay for that."

Then, Pink turned around and smiled. "Me and my best friend waited 6,000 years for this happy meal, so you can just eat my ass."

And with that, she warped away, leaving very shocked customers.

The minute she stopped warping, Spinel's happy face came into view. "You're back!" She cried, running at Pink and engulfing her into a hug. Pink chuckled, and hugged back.

"I'm sorry I took so long. That line! You should've seen it, Spinel! It was horrible." Pink sighed.

She handed the happy meal to Spinel with a smile, and she gratefully took it with a grin. "And you got my apple juice?" Spinel asked. "Yeah." Pink replied with a laugh, handing her that too.

Spinel began to nom on the chicken nuggets, and she sat down near the fountain with Pink.

Pink fixed her frizzy and messy hair, messed up because of years of waiting.

Then, Spinel tapped Pink's shoulder with a smile. "You want some?"

"No, you've waited for this, you should have it." Pink replied. "Well, you waited too! And besides, you're my best friend! Aren't we 'sposed to take care of each other?" Spinel reasoned.

Pink chuckled. "Okay, but just one."

Spinel and Pink ate chicken nuggets together in peace, enjoying each other's company.

"Hey, Pink?" She asked. Pink looked over. "Yes, Spinel?"

Spinel gave a grin, and wrapped her arm around her. "I love ya. Thanks for the happy meal."

"I love you too, Spinel."

Who knew that just a little meal could spark so much happiness?

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