Chapter 16

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"You're the one who broke up with me." I said and crossed my arms.

"I only broke up with you because you turned into a completely different person than when we first got together." he sounded genuine and I didn't really know what to say.

"So if I changed back to the 'old me' you would take me back?" I snorted.

"Yes." he said then got up and left.

The door opened easily this time so Riley and Sarah must have assumed we'd given up on trying to escape.

"Bye Kylie." Brandon said over his shoulder and shut the door behind him.

Chapter 16

This morning I rolled out of bead and ate breakfast like a zombie. I hadn't been able to sleep at all last night. Brandon's words were haunting my mind. He had said that if I changed back to the old me, he would take me back. Did he really mean it?

I didn't have any more time to ponder over this, I needed to get ready for school. Riley and Sarah were picking me up in half an hour and I wasn't even dressed.

I sprinted up the stairs and grabbed my clothes off my bed. I had picked them out the night before because I had a feeling I'd be running late this morning. It was a pair of pink skinny jeans with a long sleeve floral top. Satisfied with how that looked I ran a brush through my hair and decided to leave it natural. My hair wasn't straight and it wasn't curly. My waves stopped halfway down my back.

Natural makeup was not an option today however. I had dark bags under my eyes and my nose was red from blowing it so much. I mentally cursed myself for being suck a wreck as I began to apply foundation.

I was finished getting ready just as Riley and Sarah pulled into my driveway. I grabbed my bag from the corner and ran down the stairs. I slipped into a pair of beige ballet flats and went outside, locking the door behind me.

"Hey pretty girl!" Sarah greeted me as I hopped into the back seat of the truck.

"Hi!" I tried to sound as happy as possible.

"Cheer up! Brandon told Riley what he said and then Riley told me! I'm sure you can get him back in no time." she was looking at me in the rear view mirror.

"I don't know how to be the old me again though! I didn't even realize that I had changed until he said that." I replied.

"On a lighter note, this is a good song!" Riley laughed and then turned up the radio.

Surprisingly, I sang the whole way to school and for the time being I forgot about all of my teenage problems. When we arrived to the student parking lot Riley took Sarah's hand in one of his and mine in the other.

"People are going to think we're crazy!" I exclaimed and gestured toward all three of our hands intertwined.

"The only thing they'll think is 'wow, he's one luck guy'!" Riley joked.

"Yeah, that's exactly what they'll think." Sarah rolled her eyes and I burst out laughing.

I broke free from Riley to go to my locker and left them to have their alone time. I sighed when I opened my locker and saw the photo of Brandon and I that I had taped to the inside of the door. I couldn't bring myself to take it down though.

"Kylie." someone said my name right behind me and I swung around so fast that I hurt my neck.

Katie was standing two feet away from me with an impatient look on her face and her hands on her hips. She was wearing a short yellow dress that clung to her frame and strappy sandals. You'd swear she was going to a fashion show, not high school.

"Katie." I gave her the same greeting.

"I'm just gonna cut to the chase. Obviously I'm not going to simply hand over Queen Bee to you, you have to earn it. So at the Christmas Ball, whoever wins Snow Princess also gets the title of Queen Bee. I think that's fair enough."

Before I could even respond she turned on her heel and stalked away. I guess I was running for Snow Princess. It was actually a really good idea and I was surprised that I didn't think of it before. There were posters plastered on every wall of the school advertising the Christmas Ball.

I put all my books into my bag and shut my locker. I was about to enter my first class when somebody stepped out in front of me. Riley.

"Listen, about that little incident yesterday when I threatened you-" he started but I cut him off.

"Just forget about it, I have. I know you were just trying to protect your girlfriend." I said.

He pulled me into his chest for a hug and then ran off in the other direction. The bell had rang and he was going to be late for class. I turned and entered my own classroom.

I honestly had forgotten how he had threatened and intimidated me yesterday. Riley had done so much to help me since then that the good outweighed the bad. At least I knew I had two people that would stick by my side.

The teacher had started droning on about something that I was completely uninterested in so I found myself beginning to plan how I'd win Snow Princess. It was the student body that voted so I would need to make people like me. I was pretty sure that I didn't have very many people that hated me. Katie had people that worshiped her though, that I most definitely did not have.

Maybe having people like you is better than having people worship you. After all, some people took it too far with Katie. People tried to dress like her and act like her even talk like her. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery but I found it a bit creepy. The last thing this school needs is two hundred Katie clones walking through the halls.

All I needed to do was get more votes than Katie then I would be Snow Princess and Queen Bee. I needed to get people to like me more than her too, I would have to act extremely sweet for these next couple weeks. That shouldn't be too hard, should it? The old me was super nice.


What did you think of chapter 16? Will Kylie win Snow Princess? What will she do to get people's votes? I guess you'll just have to read and find out! ;)


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