Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I woke up to find Sarah's face two inches away from mine. I yelped at the sight of her bed head and smudged make up. She then burst into a fit of giggles and I assumed that I looked the same as her. When we calmed down a bit, we made the mistake looking at each other and burst into another fit of laughter.

"I'm being serious now, I have an idea." Sarah tries to keep a straight face but bites her lip to stifle the laughter.

"What is your genius idea?" I ask, rolling my eyes.

"We can go on a double date today!" she was so excited.

"Sarah, we have school."

"So, we can go tonight."

"Why don't we just wait until the weekend and go to the beach or something. You know, last weekend of the summer?"

"Okay..." she was hesitant "but I'm not letting you forget about it!"

"I won't forget, but come on, we have to get ready for school. Brandon will be here in an hour."

Fifty-nine minutes later, we were ready and dressed. I think it was record time for the two of us getting ready in my small bathroom. Today I was wearing blue skinny jeans with a red sweater.

We went downstairs and grabbed our book bags, yelling goodbye to Amanda on the way out the door. She grunted a response.

I nervously walked to Brandon's car. I didn't know how to act now that we were officially going out. I supposed I should just act the same I have been. That seemed to be working as it got me this far. I had a big cheesy grin on my face that probably looked fake but I couldn't help it.

"Hey," Brandon whispered in my ear as he pulled me into his chest and kissed my forehead.

"Please keep the PDA to a minimum, some people are trying to keep their breakfast down." Sarah rolled her eyes at us but I knew she was only kidding. She was my best friend and she was happy that I had a boyfriend.

Brandon opened my door and I lowered myself into the car. He jogged around to getting the driver's side and I found myself biting my lip at how hot he looked. I glanced back at Sarah and she wiggled her eyebrows.

"So Brandon, how would you feel about going on a double date? You and Kylie, Riley and I?" she paused but didn't give him a chance to answer "Great, so we're going to the beach tomorrow."

I watched the string of emotions play across Brandon's face, finally settling on excitement. Sarah had a similar expression plastered on her face. They were both starting to creep me out as they were staring a me.

"What?" I finally exclaim.

Neither one of them replied, Brandon simply pulled out of the driveway and we sped off to school. Brandon wasn't exactly a cautious driver, he's never been in an accident before though. Following our usual procedure, I turned on country music and sang and danced along. Brandon followed his usual procedure and made fun of me.

When we got to school Brandon opened my door and took my hand to lead me across the parking lot. Then the whispers started. They weren't exactly whispers, just quiet squeals. I knew some people would be happy that we were together but most would just be extremely jealous that I'd taken Brandon O'Connor off the market.

"Just ignore them." he whispered to me, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

I was about to reply but was cut off by a particularly snobby voice. Katie Forbes wrenched Brandon's hand from mine.

"You're with her?" she jabbed a thumb in my direction.

"That's what it appears to be, doesn't it?" he sent me a sympathetic look.

"So how did you convince him to go out with you?" she asked, glaring at me now.

"I didn't convince him of anything, he asked me out." I looked straight into her eyes.,

"Yeah, because that's believable!" she snorted "I can't wait to see how long this lasts." and with that she strutted away.

Brandon didn't need to say anything. The reassuring kiss he gave me said it all. He took my hand in his and we went on with our day as if nothing had happened. Neither of us said it but we both knew that Katie Forbes would never come between the two of us.

Brandon walked me to all of my morning classes, then rushed to his own. He was being especially sweet and I had a feeling that it was because this was our first day as boyfriend and girlfriend. He probably wanted to show me just how gentlemanly he could be.

We were walking to the cafeteria now, hand in hand. Everybody in school now knew about us. Most people had gotten over the initial shock but some people (specifically the female population) were still shooting glares our way. I didn't care though because I knew he was mine.

I waited at a table while he went to buy us some food. We didn't sit at the Queen Bee's table because I didn't really want a repeat of yesterday. I think I just took things too fast. Eventually I'd earn the right to sit there, at my rightful table.

"For you my love." he said in his dramatic British accent as he placed a tray consisting of lemonade and a sandwich in front of me.

"Would you stop doing that? It makes you sound like an old man!" I giggled.

"Anything for you darling." he replied in the same accent but then scrapped it "So what beach are we going to for the big double date?"

"Sarah and I were thinking down by Spencer's Point." I say after taking a long gulp of my juice.

"I haven't been there since eight grade!" he exclaimed.

"Me either, didn't the whole grade go?"

"Yeah, and you were the prettiest girl there." he winked.

"Please, you didn't even like me then!"

"You don't know that."

"Okay then O'Connor, how long exactly have you had a wittle crush on me?" I said the last part in a baby voice.

"You were wearing a pink one piece because you were painfully shy. It was the hottest one piece I've ever seen."

"Well if you liked it so much maybe I'll wear one exactly like it tomorrow." I teased.

"Well, I wouldn't take it that far but if you're still insecure then that's fine." he shrugged.

"I am not insecure, Brandon!" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"I really am looking forward to it though." he said, suddenly serious.

"Me too."


Hey guys! The next chapter should be good, I hope you enjoy it :)


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